Magento Extensions and their Business Value

Magento extensions do exactly what they say – extend the functionalities of Magento and add some quality customizations to your store. Store owners can then create ecommerce websites with the exact features they wish to provide their users with. These extensions play a vital role in making Magento what it is today. In fact, it has shaped the way ecommerce works today.

Magento as a core system – although feature rich, does not completely support the custom requirements of specific businesses. This is quite obvious, as the core system is meant for supporting basic requirements of any ecommerce business. Any add ones or any further customizations can hence be achieved by extension development.

Magento is flexible enough to allow creative customizations. Magento extensions development is a booming industry, and your business can definitely benefit from the creative work of Magento developers.
Here are a few ways in which Magento Extensions can benefit your business

Magento Extensions that are revenue drivers :

Ecommerce stores have ample opportunities for revenue generation. The good news is that there are plenty of tools to support them too. Store owners can extend the functionality of their store with extensions that could either add special discounts, or enable users to utilize Multiple coupons or display featured products on their product pages.

These extensions lure customers to your store and some of them even generate customer loyalty! A customer who can avail additional discount at your store is definitely going to come back for more! Well, Magento offers the flexibility to include such interesting features for the customer and drive profits for the store owners.

Magento Extensions that are layout enhancers :

The layout of your magento store is very important. Making it interesting and interactive for customers will definitely drive more traffic. There are a few Magento extensions that allow you to add an interactive banner slider or include order comment for your customer’s orders. Such enhancements ensure that your store looks trendy as well as has good features for your customers.

Magento Extensions that are user experience enhancers :

User experience is by far the most important aspect of any website. With an ecommerce website the importance doubles. The better the user experience with your site, the more your revenues! Well, user experience can be enhanced with extensions that ease the checkout process, or allow quick shopping methods etc.

Magento Extensions that are Social Connectors :

Social connectors are important part of any business. They enable easy sharing of your products to popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. The importance of social media cannot be emphasized on enough.

Magento Extensions that are admin tools :

Ecommerce Stores require a lot of backend tasks to be performed on a daily basis. Basic Magento eCommerce development installation does support many of these, but there’s always room for better and better customizations. Skilled Magento web development professionals can easily establish this for you. Some of the tasks that an admin may require is collate all the data regarding abandoned carts, order follow-up, or collecting extra information from customers by adding more customer attributes to their forms.

Magento Development knows no bounds when it comes to creativity. Choosing the right extensions and customizations can help your eCommerce development enterprise thrive, enabling you to reap the rewards of increased revenues. As a Magento partner, the potential for success is boundless.

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