
Gravit8, originally known as Pixelhouse since its inception in 2007, has evolved. Its Pixelhouse Content division flourished and eventually transformed into the independent entity known as Gravit8 software. Gravit8 specializes in crafting cutting-edge virtual events, sales software, augmented reality applications, animation, games, and tech-driven experiences for globally renowned brands. The company seeks a versatile platform for creating and overseeing virtual events featuring 360-degree views in diverse event settings.

Project Highlights

The Gravit8 Virtual Event Platform is a versatile web solution optimized for desktop and mobile devices. Through this platform, users can attend the LIVE events virtually by traversing the various expo halls and exhibition booths in the form of 360 images. Also, they can access the 360 view of the concourse and exterior for that event. Administrators can seamlessly design and customize events by incorporating logos, 3D vistas, color themes, social walls, and navigation hotspots. It offers the flexibility to create brands, product zones, surveys, and user roles for brand representatives, agents, speakers, and delegates. Event administrators can efficiently organize demo and auditorium sessions, scheduling them through a configurable calendar and live streaming across multiple platforms.

The Challenges

  • Improper User Navigation:
    The brand wanted to simplify the user experience for the Virtual Event platform.
  • Multi-Room Live Streaming:
    Conducting simultaneous live meetings and streaming multiple events challenges.
  • Custom Calendar Integration:
    The client aimed to sync a custom calendar by event type.
  • Third-Party Tools Integration:
    Incorporate text, video, multi-user conferencing, and event attendance into software.

Tech Stack

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  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos

    MS Teams

  • Tech stack related technology logos

    Azure DevOps

  • Tech stack related technology logos

    Google Meet

  • Tech stack related technology logos



  • Seamless Navigation

    Integrated hotspots enhance panorama navigation, ensuring seamless user exploration experiences.
  • Live Multi-Session Setup

    Custom calendar empowers clients to manage multiple live stream sessions simultaneously.
  • Event Scheduling Made Easy

    Streamline event scheduling and tracking with this efficient calendar solution.
  • Enhanced User Engagement

    Harness third-party tools for engaging video conferencing, text, and video call support.
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