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Success Stories

Delivering our unmatched .NET MAUI experiences throughout the industry.

.Net MAUI Development Services

Create the right .NET MAUI solutions to establish a robust digital presence for your business.
.NET MAUI Android app development

.NET MAUI Android app development

Our experts can help you customize and launch distinct Android apps to target a broad audience. We create fully functional Android apps from the ground up, creating lightweight solutions with native UI, robust security, and seamless performance.
.NET MAUI iOS app development

.NET MAUI iOS app development

We have the right talent pool to create the ideal custom MAUI application for Apple devices. Our experts take the time to design, understand, and analyze which application is right for your business.
.NET MAUI cross-platform app development

.NET MAUI cross-platform app development

Choosing between two distinctive user bases can be tough for business owners. Leverage the functionality of .NET MAUI cross-platform app development to access applications that run seamlessly in different ecosystems.
.NET MAUI desktop development

.NET MAUI desktop development

Apart from comprehensive mobile applications, our team specializes in creating feature-rich desktop apps for your business. We create desktop platforms that help you streamline work processes and automate complex tasks.
.NET MAUI app design

.NET MAUI app design

Do you need a highly interactive application for your business? Search no more! Our experts at Brainvire have years of experience perfecting .NET app designs. We help you create the ideal applications, considering the customer touch points and user journey.
.NET MAUI app testing and QA

.NET MAUI app testing and QA

Every app that we build undergoes rigorous testing before it’s launched. We test your application under the toughest conditions. Our well-defined stages for app testing and quality analysis ensure you get the most out of your operations.
Migrating Xamarin.Forms apps to .NET MAUI

Migrating Xamarin.Forms apps to .NET MAUI

We have designed a .NET MAUI app migration to help your business migrate without data loss from legacy apps to the new .NET MAUI platform. We ensure you upgrade to a new platform with significant advantages over the previous framework.
.NET MAUI app support and maintenance

.NET MAUI App support and maintenance

Brainvire has the experts to help your business access the best app support and maintenance. We ensure your application gets all the support it requires to run smoothly. These aspects include bug fixing, performance tuning, and security updates.
.NET MAUI Support and Maintenance

.NET MAUI Support and Maintenance

Running your operations over the .NET MAUI framework can be significantly challenging if you don’t update it often. However, this is where our support and maintenance experts help you keep your app updated and customer support running.

Key Benefits of .NET MAUI

The advanced functionalities of .NET MAUI are all about boosting your operations. Leverage most of your work processes today!
    • Cross-Platform Native Application

      The cross-platform functionality is one of the most significant advantages of the framework. .NET MAUI which enables developers to construct cross-platform applications that can operate on numerous operating systems, including Android, Windows, and iOS. The framework reduces time and effort in development by using a single codebase to produce apps for various platforms.
    • Interactive Visualization Dashboards

      Power BI provides interactive visualization dashboards to create dynamic and engaging visualizations, making it easier to explore data and gain valuable insights.
    • Platform-Specific Functionality

      Platform-specific functionality is another strong point of .NET MAUI services. The framework promotes code sharing for some platform-specific functionalities. Developers also get the option to create platform-specific code using the native languages of each platform, such as Java for Android and Swift for iOS, among others. Get the best of your operations with .NET MAUI functionality.
    • Instant Modifications

      The .NET MAUI uses a hot reload feature in its framework to allow developers to modify their codes in real time. It allows easy modifications throughout the source code, view, and implement them in real time. This unique feature of the .NET framework ultimately saves time and resources for businesses who want the perfect application in a limited time.
    • Consistent User Interface

      A consistent user interface is a must for applications of every size. It allows you to retain customers and boost operations in the long term. .NET MAUI’s multi-platform UI development expertise will enable businesses to use a consistent user interface (UI) throughout their design. The framework is great for different platforms and devices to increase brand awareness and engagement.
    • Create Responsive Apps

      .NET MAUI is an excellent framework for businesses looking to create responsive applications. The easy development process, reduced time, and open-space functionality make up for a seamlessly fast application. Moreover, the cross-functionality of the platform ensures that users get a great experience while using your application.
    • Optimized for Speed

      The .NET framework was designed with speed in mind. Every application designed using the framework is better, faster, and lighter than other cross-platform apps using traditional options. This way, every app that uses the framework can tap into improved speed for its customers, allowing you to clock better customer service and revenue for your business.
    • Open-source

      As an open-source framework, .NET MAUI provides a collaborative and transparent development environment. It allows developers to contribute to and improve the framework for everybody. This way, businesses opting for the framework can rest assured that they can access an application that’s easy to update and stays relevant to their customers at all times.
  • 1500+

    Web Projects Completed

  • 500+

    Mobile Apps Developed

  • 800+

    Resources Strength

  • 500+

    Happy Clients Worldwide

Let's discuss the possibilities of .NET MAUI for your business.

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Tech Stack for .NET MAUI Development

We bring you the latest .NET MAUI tech stack for your operations.
  • JavaScript




    React Native

    React Native





    CSS 3

    CSS 3

  • .Net core

    .Net core



    Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft Azure







.NET Multi-platform App UI development process

A look at how we simplify development for your business.
  1. Analysis

    Our operations begin with a simplified analysis of your unique requirements.
  2. UI/UX Design

    The team at Brainvire plans the UI/UX design to offer maximum conversion.
  3. Development

    We initiate the development process to deliver applications that align with your requirements.
  4. Testing and Maintenance

    Our team tests the app for bugs and ensures continued quality assurance throughout.
Experience working with certified Microsoft gold partners.

Experience working with certified Microsoft gold partners.

Together, let’s redefine your experience with purpose-driven solutions.

Let’s Talk

Hire .NET MAUI Developers

Our expertise and commitment to .NET MAUI make us special.
Microsoft Support

Microsoft Support

Brainvire offers end-to-end Microsoft support. Our continued collaboration with the tech giant allows us to bring the latest updates to your application. With our extended support, you can stay ahead of your competitors.
Native Performance

Native Performance

.NET framework is designed to provide superior native performance to applications. Users can easily access the best native performance using the upgrade. It allows you to create seamless results with minimum hassle.

Code Reusability

The code reusability feature of the .NET MAUI feature allows flexibility in app building. It allows business owners to make custom changes to their apps at any time, making it easy for them to simplify their workflow throughout.
Integration with .NET

Integration with .NET

The .NET MAUI has seamless integration abilities with other applications. It supports other applications in your ecosystem, allowing you to maximize your output over time.
Community and eCosystem

Community and Ecosystem

The open-source nature of .NET makes it easier for business owners to introduce the latest updates to their operations. The framework's collaborative ecosystem allows business owners to upgrade their apps over time.

What our Clients Say

When asked about their experience, here’s what our clients had to say.
Mr. Jameson Chow

Mr. Jameson Chow


“Brainvire was able to configure our system with minimal customizations, completing the project in a very short timeframe. It not only saved us time but also led to cost-savings.”
Joey Raymond

Joey Raymond

Digital Development Manager

“Brainvire has been invaluable, on budget, and very responsive. They’d bend over backwards to help us in every way they can. They made our transition very seamless.”
Mr. Kevin Clor

Mr. Kevin Clor


“Brainvire has helped our business grow. We feel like it’s a true partnership. They’re always present. It’s been seven great years, looking forward to more.”
Brandon San Antonio

Brandon San Antonio


“We’ve been working with Brainvire for six years. They’re always very task-oriented and good with turning over projects in an expedited fashion. We recommend them.”
Adrianna Nava

Adrianna Nava


“Brainvire was able to create a really good plan for my business, implement consistency, and take a lot of things off my hands. I can’t say enough good things.”
Shalin Shah

Shalin Shah

Director of IT

“Brainvire has become a partner now. They are very different from other outsourcing companies. They have mastered communication, presentation, as well as delivery.”
Wayne Carlyle

Wayne Carlyle


“The Brainvire team has lived up to every commitment that Chintan made. They have given us a quote unquote part naming convention, that allows us to configure our product line.”
Bruno Binet

Bruno Binet

Managing Director

“Brainvire’s response is always fast. Their delivery has been fast and elevating. I really recommend the services which have been meeting all my expectations.”


  • What is MAUI as a service?

    . NET MAUI is a cross-platform framework that allows developers to create applications for ecosystems like macOS, iOS, Windows, and Android. It allows users to create applications that can perform over numerous platforms and deliver seamless performance. 


  • What are the benefits of using MAUI as a service?

    One of the most significant benefits of.NET MAUI is the ability to develop native Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows apps from a single codebase. This unification substantially speeds the development process, allowing developers to create code once and easily deliver it across numerous platforms.

  • What are the limitations of using MAUI as a service?

    .NET MAUI now supports just Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS. Access certain gadget functions and sensors: Both frameworks’ connection with native APIs is less tight than other frameworks. Therefore, you may not be able to use all device capabilities and sensors.

  • How do I choose an MAUI as a service provider?

    Choosing MAUI as a service provider involves several techniques, from command line to code execution. We suggest connecting with our experts to help you simplify the process. 

  • How do I get started with MAUI as a service?

    Project creation is streamlined using Visual Studio. Click “File” -> “New” -> “Project,” then pick the “MAUI App (. NET)” template. Give your program a name and decide which target platforms (such as Windows, iOS, and Android) to support.

  • How do I measure the performance of my app developed in MAUI?

    Multiple aspects can be used to measure the performance of an app developed using MAUI. For starters, you can measure the app growth rate, retention, and installation rate. Additionally, you might want to consider the average churn and revenue to get a clear idea of its performance. 

  • How do I troubleshoot my MAUI application?

    Troubleshooting errors in your MAUI application is simple. All you need to do is connect with Microsoft to express your problems. However, if you face a unique problem, our experts at Brainvire can help you with the process.  

  • How do I secure my MAUI app?

    Securing your MAUI application involves several aspects. To maximize security, you could start with a simple app configuration and ensure it aligns with the latest firewalls. 

  • How do I migrate my existing MAUI app to MAUI as a service?

    To keep your present codebase, you may use a tool like Visual Studio Code or Xamarin Studio to migrate it into MAUI. If you want to completely rework an application, we recommend beginning with a fresh project and creating it from scratch in MAUI. However, you could also contact our .NET experts for help. 

  • What are the best practices for using MAUI?

    The more complex your program is, the more difficult it will be to refactor later. As a result, you must keep your components as minimal as possible. This will make it easier for them to learn, test, and manage in the future. Avoid using static methods unless essential.