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AngularJS Development Services

Access reliable and dynamic AngularJS development services that meet the diverse needs of your business. Let’s tap into your true potential.

  • AngularJS Enterprise Development

    Brainvire’s team of AngularJS experts helps you access the best custom enterprise software solution. We create scalable and interactive AngularJS solutions for charities, schools, and private and government establishments. Let’s improve your organizational efficiency and ensure results for your business.  

  • AngularJS Web App Development

    Our experts empower you with the latest technological innovations that complement the AngularJS framework. We use this to create performant and futuristic AngularJS web apps that strike the right chord with your audience. Let’s give your business a competitive edge over your competitors.  

  • AngularJS Single Page Application (SPA)

    We have one of the best AngularJS development tools, specializing in developing advanced AngularJS SPAs. Our experts will analyze your business’ unique needs and requirements to create SPAs that meet those needs. We also facilitate effective optimization to ensure better returns.  

  • AngularJS Development Consulting

    Different businesses have unique needs requiring a specific approach to AngularJS for effective results. This is where the competence of our AngularJS consulting experts comes to your rescue. We analyze your business needs and recommend the best tools and technologies to meet those needs.    

  • AngularJS Interface Development

    Creating the right interface is one of the most essential and basic needs for apps that deliver enhanced user experiences. Our experts take a unique approach: They understand your target audience and make designs accordingly. This helps drive better engagement and conversions to ensure you stand out.  

  • Real-Time AngularJS App Development

    The term ‘real-time’ is more than fancy; it’s a way of life for fast-moving industries. Brainvire ensures you don’t lag. We create a real-time app that enhances business growth and drives better client retention. The best part is that we create these apps at highly affordable prices.     

  • AngularJS Migration Services

    Looking for a safe and efficient way to migrate your existing solution to AngularJS? Allow our experts to leverage the best practices for AngularJS migration and ensure your business data and processes remain intact while you take advantage of AngularJS’s full potential.   

  • AngularJS Web Portal Development

    Every business needs a robust web portal in today’s age to maintain an effective and accessible social presence. Our experts create highly engaging and interactive web portals that deliver unmatched experiences. We launch the right AngularJS web portal that makes your business offerings more accessible and appealing.   

  • AngularJS PWA Development Services

    AngularJS Progressive Web App (PWA) is another area in which we excel in creating high-performance solutions for evolving markets. We have the knowledge and resources to create unique PWSs with immersive experiences. We help you reach the right audience and leave a lasting impression on them.    

  • Angular JS Plugin Development

    The more features your app offers, the better its chances of success. This is where our expertise with AngularJS plugin development will enhance your app’s existing capabilities. We integrate the right features that enhance your audience’s experiences and help drive better engagement rates. 

Contact us

AngularJS Development Solution

Let’s create highly unique and feature-rich AngularJS development solutions that align with your business requirements and foster long-term growth.
AngularJS API Development

AngularJS API Development

Enhance your app’s performance and functionalities with effective AngularJS API development from our experts. We analyze your app to determine areas for enhancements and develop the proper API accordingly.  

AngularJS E-Commerce App Development

AngularJS E-Commerce App Development

The eCommerce sector is booming, and Brainvire experts are here to equip you with the right means to benefit from it. Our experts create highly interactive AngularJS eCommerce apps that deliver unique shopping experiences to drive conversions.   

Custom AngularJSApp Development

Custom AngularJSApp Development

Our experts leverage the potential of AngularJS to create customized solutions that cater to your business’s unique needs and requirements. We will take the time to understand your needs better and create the optimal application that simplifies operations. 

Interactive And Social Apps

Interactive And Social Apps

Almost everyone is now connected to social apps; our experts will ensure you don’t miss out on this trend. We create highly interactive social apps that drive better engagements, help your business grow, and foster a loyal customer base.  

UX Solutions

Angular JS UI/UX Solutions

UI/UX designs are essential components of any successful app. Our AngularJS development experts have the tools and skills to understand your target audience and create the right UI/UX design for your app.  

MEAN Stack Development

MEAN Stack Development

AngularJS is essential to the MEAN stack framework, and our experts excel in it. We create highly unique and engagement-driven apps using the MEAN stack to ensure you get the best of all four technologies to deliver output in your workflow.

Our Industry-Specific Verticals

Online Retail Store
Online Retail Store

Online Retail Store

Technological advancements have significantly changed the online retail sector. Our AngularJS experts leverage unique tactics to create the right AngularJS online retail store for your needs.  Let’s create a robust online retail store to push your growth.

Hire Full Stack Developers

  • Committed AngularJS and ReactJS Team

  • Fixed Price and Timeline

  • Team Hiring

Why Angular JS Development

AngularJS is the ideal structural framework for creating high-performance and quality-driven apps that meet today’s diverse market needs.

    • Data Binding

      AngularJS comes with one-way and two-way data binding features, enabling developers to manipulate data in the model layer and update the view layer simultaneously. This eliminates the need for sharing and updating data between multiple layers.  

    • Built-in Scope

      One of the best things about AngularJS is the built-in scope that enables seamless data binding. Developers can easily detect the connection between HTML and JavaScript, facilitating more effective development.   

    • Model-View Controller

      Proper code structure and organization are essential for successful app development. Fortunately, this is not much of an issue with AngularJS, as the framework comes well-equipped with the MVC architecture for seamless code management.     

    • Unit Testing

      Maintaining high-quality codes is essential for AngularJS development; our experts leverage the unit testing feature to realize that goal. This helps us ensure all your codes are of the highest standards and effective quality.  

    • MVC Architecture

      AngularJS is one of the few alternatives that comes with the MVC architecture. Software codes are available in three different components. AngularJS brings together all codes from different layers, helping enhance the efficiency of the development process. 

    • Routing and Multiple Views

      Managing APIs has become a left-hand task for developers with the AngularJS framework’s abilities. Our developers use the framework’s routing and multiple views features to integrate performant APIs that enhance the app’s performance.   

    • Dependency Injection

      Dependency injection in AngularJS enables developers to integrate dependent functionalities into existing solutions. This enables us to benefit from code reusability and enhance the overall development process.  

    • UI with HTML

      The user interface is one of the most important components of successful AngularJS app development. The AngularJS framework offers UI with HTML, enabling developers to integrate unique UI components that enhance user experience.  

Benefits of Using Angular JS Development

AngularJS is one of the most preferred frameworks currently available in the market, and rightfully so. The framework offers many perks that include:

Code Splitting

Code Splitting

AngularJS has component routers that offer unmatched loading speeds and efficient resolution for view requests. This ensures you only load the desired codes, enhancing the overall development process.  
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AngularJS offers a local filter that enables developers to ensure app availability for different languages and cultures. This helps businesses target the right audience and foster long-term growth with a robust foundation.  
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Angular UI Bootstrap

Angular UI Bootstrap

Brainvire has the finest AngularJS developers who leverage the AngularJS Bootstrap framework to create the ideal UI/UX. This enables us to ensure that it strikes the right chord with your target audience and helps you drive better results.  
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Reusable Components

Reusable Components

Our developers’ primary goal is to enhance your app’s functionality. Thankfully, AngularJS allows us to use directives to create reusable components, hide complex structures, and focus on the app’s functionality. 
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Angular CLI

Angular CLI

Our developers use AngularJS’s command-line tools to enhance the efficiency of the development process. We use the pre-configured CLI to avoid any unwanted CLI complications.    
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POJO Model

POJO Model

The AngularJS framework is based on the Plain Old JavaScript Objects (POJO) model. These functional and self-sufficient objects are important in transforming the overall development process with AngularJS.   
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Our Process of AngularJS Development

Years of dedication and experience with AngularJS development have enabled us to create and master the perfect development strategy that ensures better success.
  1. Ideation

    The first step is ideation, where we thoroughly evaluate your business and its needs.
  2. UI/UX Development

    Our experts will study your target audience and create your app's perfect UI/UX design.
  3. Development and API Integration

    We leverage the AngularJS framework to integrate the right features into your app.
  4. Testing and Debugging

    Test your solution effectively to determine any potential bugs and deliver success.

Hire Our Expert Developers

Our Clients

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What our Clients Say

Here’s our client's review of our AngularJS development methodology.
Mr. Jameson Chow

Mr. Jameson Chow


“Brainvire was able to configure our system with minimal customizations, completing the project in a very short timeframe. It not only saved us time but also led to cost-savings.”
Joey Raymond

Joey Raymond

Digital Development Manager

“Brainvire has been invaluable, on budget, and very responsive. They’d bend over backwards to help us in every way they can. They made our transition very seamless.”
Mr. Kevin Clor

Mr. Kevin Clor


“Brainvire has helped our business grow. We feel like it’s a true partnership. They’re always present. It’s been seven great years, looking forward to more.”
Brandon San Antonio

Brandon San Antonio


“We’ve been working with Brainvire for six years. They’re always very task-oriented and good with turning over projects in an expedited fashion. We recommend them.”
Adrianna Nava

Adrianna Nava


“Brainvire was able to create a really good plan for my business, implement consistency, and take a lot of things off my hands. I can’t say enough good things.”
Shalin Shah

Shalin Shah

Director of IT

“Brainvire has become a partner now. They are very different from other outsourcing companies. They have mastered communication, presentation, as well as delivery.”
Wayne Carlyle

Wayne Carlyle


“The Brainvire team has lived up to every commitment that Chintan made. They have given us a quote unquote part naming convention, that allows us to configure our product line.”
Bruno Binet

Bruno Binet

Managing Director

“Brainvire’s response is always fast. Their delivery has been fast and elevating. I really recommend the services which have been meeting all my expectations.”

Brainvire In Spotlight

Discover how we’re enabling our clients to shine brighter in the industry
Brainvire x Adobe

Brainvire x Adobe

Innovation and Vision - Recap

Brainvire x Odoo

Brainvire x Odoo

Making Transformations - Recap

The Dallas 100™ Entrepreneur Award

The Dallas 100™ Entrepreneur Award

Winning for the 2nd time

Deloitte Technology Fast 500™

Deloitte Technology Fast 500™

Ranked for the 3rd time

Brainvire x BigCommerce

Brainvire x BigCommerce

A Certified Elite Partner

Angular Tech Stack

Brainvire's specialized toolkit for AngularJS development.
  • Typescript


  • Angular




    Angular Hydration

    Angular Hydration

  • Material-UI






  • Google Analytics

    Google Analytics





Let's Leverage The Full Potential of AngularJS!

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  • 1500+

    Web projects completed

  • 500+

    Mobile Apps Developed

  • 800+

    Resources Strength

  • 500+

    Happy Clients Worldwide

Add-on Angular JS Development Services

Besides our conventional AngularJS services, we offer other add-on AngularJS development services to meet your business's unique needs.
Angular Cross Platform App Development

Angular Cross-Platform App Development

Partner with Brainvire for advanced cross-platform AngularJS development, delivering unmatched experiences across platforms. Let us help you elevate your project to new heights.

Angular REST API Development and Integration

Angular REST API Development and Integration

Brainvire is a top choice for AngularJS, ensuring effective API integration. We seamlessly integrate app client side with robust APIs, enhancing functionality and user experience.

Angular JS Front End Development

Angular JS Front-End Development

Leverage AngularJS UI Bootstrap and other front-end frameworks with our experts. We deliver highly interactive apps to fuel your growth and drive better results.

Global Leaders In Digital Innovation

We’re proud to be recognized for our innovative solutions by prestigious firms.
  • The USA’s Fastest Growing Company, 3rd Time in a Row

    The USA’s Fastest Growing Company, 3rd Time in a Row

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  • The Experience Maker Executive of the Year 2023

    The Experience Maker Executive of the Year 2023

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  • Awarded for Delivering Outstanding Customer Satisfaction by Odoo

    Awarded for Delivering Outstanding Customer Satisfaction by Odoo

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  • Ranked on Technology Fast 500™ for the 3rd Consecutive Year

    Ranked on Technology Fast 500™ for the 3rd Consecutive Year

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  • What is AngularJS, and how does it differ from other JavaScript frameworks?

    AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that is a structural framework for web apps. While JavaScript is a programming language, AngularJS is a framework. While both are utilized in web development, AngularJS and JavaScript serve distinct functions. JavaScript may be used to create both online and mobile applications, whereas AngularJS is used to create single-page web applications.

  • How does AngularJS handle data binding and DOM manipulation?

    Use the link() method if you wish to alter the DOM inside a custom directive. You may change the DOM directly within the directive by using the link() function, which accepts the attributes,  scope, controller, element, and transclude function associated with the directive.

  • What version of AngularJS should I use for my project, and how do I decide?

    The version of AngularJS you want to use for your project depends on its core basics. Therefore, evaluate your project’s needs and assess whether any given Angular version’s features or functions are necessary for you. For instance, you can consider utilizing Angular Universal if you need server-side rendering capabilities.

  • What are directives in AngularJS, and how are they used?

    The purpose of AngularJS directives is to augment HTML. Markers on an HTML DOM element called directives instruct AngularJS to attach a specific behavior to that HTML element. In AngularJS, directives are unique properties that begin with the ng-prefix, where ng is an abbreviation for Angular.

  • How does AngularJS support modular development and code organization?

    Angular JS supports modular development in ways more than one! For instance, dissecting your application into reusable parts and modules may make it more scalable and manageable. Directives are unique HTML markers that instruct the framework on what to do with a DOM (Document Object Model) element. AngularJS introduced the idea of directives.

  • What is dependency injection in AngularJS, and why is it important?

    One software design approach that addresses how components obtain their dependencies is Dependency Injection (DI). The AngularJS injector subsystem creates components, handles their dependencies, and supplies them to other components upon request.

  • What are services in AngularJS, and how do they differ from components?

    Services in AngularJS are interchangeable objects connected via dependency injection (DI). Services may be used to distribute and organize code among your applications. AngularJS offerings include: Lazily instantiated: An application component only triggers AngularJS to create a service when it is required.

  • How does AngularJS handle routing and navigation within an application?

    Accessing distinct pages inside an application without having to reload it whole is made possible by the ngRoute module. The ability to provide parameters in routes is another feature of AngularJS that enables us to handle various types of data depending on the parameters and create routes dynamically.