Great Benefits Of AngularJS Development

So, Whats Agular JS?

Angular JS is a popular framework maintained by Google to simplify development & testing processes amongst the developers around the world. In simple terms, its an open source framework to address the challenges of web development processes & vouches on offering awesome expressions through ease in integrating HTML codes & application modules in the framework. AngularJS helps developers in maintaining web infrastructures with ease & comfortability. Its built on the MVC architecture which commonly used for designing rich internet applications. The frameworks follows basic HTML & offers extension (in the form of directives) which has the capability to make the web site truly responsive & dynamic. It can automatically synchronize with models & views making AngularJS development an easy process. It follows the DOM methodology which focuses primarily on improvising testability & performance. So in short, Angular JS's features are - Two way data binding, templates, MVC structure, dependency injections, directives & testing features.

So, what are the benefits of Angular JS development?

1 - Improved Design Architecture

Some of our applications contain over 60 components & its still easy to manage in spite of new developers that join on the project. It gives an idea of the application & its functionality & it become easy to locate the codes for the angular js developers in an easy manner too. So, its a improved & enhance design structure in the market!

2 - Promotes Code Re-usability

Developers can now re-use the codes or the components of the codes written before in different applications thus making Angular JS development a very unique framework.

3 - Better Plug & Play Components

If you wish to add your existing components in a new application, you need to just copy & paste the same into a new one! You are done! Its works magically! All assets can be available automagically! Its truly plug & play in Angular JS development.

4 - Faster application development

The MVC architecture ensures that the application development, testing & maintenance is fast & quick! It helps in enhancing the productivity of the developers too!

5 - Handles Dependencies

Dependency injection is something Angular JS is famous for & it does it really well! It shines in two areas namely testing & Single Page Application (SPA) design!

6 - Allows Parallel Development 

You already know that AngularJS can handle dependencies & coupled with MVC architecture which allows faster application development allows the developer to perform parallel application development as well! This is where AngularJS scores over other frameworks!

7 - Allows Controls to Developers

Directives offer developers a free hand to experiment with HTML & attributes & gives them complete independence to make their web development process a responsive & dynamic one! You can test, construct & inject or do just anything!

8 - Helps Manage State

Whether illusioned or disillusioned application state! It helps you manage just everything really well! On top of it it helps you manage properties, permissions, and other major concerns across your application awesomely well!

With all the wonderful features & benefits of AngularJS, it makes sense for any developer to shift to this form of application development which offers easy, effective & productive method of developing web structures & gives a win-win benefit for developers & customers across the globe to enhance their ROI's in a better & efficient manner.

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