Which is A Better Front End Framework – AngularJS or React JS?

Every business today wants to develop a user appealing website with an attractive user interface, because after all to survive in the tough competition one needs to have the best looking and unique website that distinguishes them from the rest. So, how's that possible? How can anyone develop catchy interfaces for user appealing web designs? It is possible through front-end frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS. Today, many corporates are preferring to go with AngularJS or ReactJS development for creating user engaging front end designs for their portals which have the ability to impress the customers.

AngularJS and ReactJS have been around as tools for front end development since some time from now and have been successfully implemented by the developers for creating awesome interfaces for web portals. This article brings to light a few key advantages one can derive through AngularJS and ReactJS and distinguishes both on the basis of their features in order to give the readers (say businesses) a better understanding about which would a better platform for their front end development needs.

Angular 2.0:

Angular 2.0 is the most popular of the modern age front end frameworks. The framework has been successful in introducing drastic, innovative improvements over the conventional MVC frameworks. AngularJS development with Angular framework version 2.0 removes all the unnecessary hassles one would have to deal while working with complex frameworks. The framework has been designed to provide the features like performance improvements, native app support and server side rendering. The performance of this framework is two to three times much better than its earlier versions. It is an easy to use framework which provides everything one requires to build apps including an enhanced router inspired by UI router. Testing is very easy and faster with this framework.

AngularJS development is a good choice of framework for the large scale enterprise web development. Apart from above benefits it also adds type checking and various innumerable improvements to JavaScript. It is based on TypeScript programming language which is the choice of most of the developers for complex entrepreneurial projects.


React is a light weight front end framework which is an awesome tool for rendering UI components. For best front end development needs, most of the developers combine this framework with other front end frameworks or flux architecture. The UI elements in React provide an easy way to create animations for better user experiences. It's easy to make changes to existing code base or redesign an already existing piece of UI with React. React and Flux together can help you trivialize the complex parts in web app development process. ReactJS development is good for those looking for cut-edge technology for front end development or prefer to go with simple libraries over complex frameworks for their web development needs.

Hence, if you are looking for expert services for front end UI developer for your business portal, then approach Brainvire Infotech. Brainvire is a leading IT solutions firm offering excellent services for complete web development needs of the firms belonging to various industrial sectors.

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