Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises

  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises
  • Tailored Solutions for Leading Enterprises

Success Stories

Transforming brands as a top-rated SharePoint Development Services Company.

Our Suite of SharePoint Consulting Services

Here’s what we offer in terms of SharePoint consulting solutions.
Custom SharePoint Development

Custom SharePoint Development

Leverage SharePoint's features for document management, workflows, and collaboration to create custom solutions that streamline processes and boost productivity.
SharePoint Migration Services

SharePoint Migration Services

Ensure seamless data, application, and workflow transitions to newer SharePoint environments with minimal disruption and maximum data integrity.
SharePoint Managed Services

SharePoint Managed Services

Provide comprehensive support and management for SharePoint, including system monitoring, performance optimization, security, user access control, customization, and troubleshooting.
Sharepoint Integration

SharePoint Integration

Integrate SharePoint into existing systems to enhance collaboration, document management, and communication through custom solutions using SharePoint's APIs.
Sharepoint Add-ins Development

SharePoint Add-ins Development

Tailor SharePoint to specific business needs by enhancing collaboration, automating processes, and integrating with other systems, including requirements analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, and support.
Sharepoint Workflow Development

SharePoint Workflow Development

SharePoint Workflow Development services encompass the design, implementation, and customization.
SharePoint Farm Architecture Design

Extranet and Internet Development

SharePoint offers tools for creating internal hubs, collaboration spaces, document management systems for Intranet, secure collaboration for Extranet, and solutions for public-facing websites. , web front-end servers, application servers, and database servers.
SharePoint Knowledge Management solutions

Document Management

SharePoint's robust features support document collaboration, version control, and security, involving document libraries, metadata customization, workflows, and permissions management.
SharePoint Intranet, Extranet and Internet Development

Business Intelligence

SharePoint's BI services and dashboards enable effective data utilization for informed decision-making by aggregating data from various sources like Excel and databases.
Document Management system

SharePoint Farm Architecture

Planning SharePoint components deployment across servers ensures scalability, performance, and fault tolerance, typically involving multiple tiers such as application servers.
Business Intelligence Services and Dashboards

Knowledge Management Solutions

SharePoint facilitates centralizing, organizing, and sharing information through features like document libraries, version control, metadata tagging, and search functionality.

SharePoint Development Benefits that You Can Expect

Here are some of the key advantages in store for you.
    • Reliable Architecture

      SharePoint's reliability stems from its ability to scale to meet the needs of large enterprises, its integration with other Microsoft products and services, and its support for high availability and disaster recovery configurations. However, like any technology platform, the reliability of SharePoint depends on factors such as proper configuration, regular maintenance, and adherence to best practices in deployment and usage.
    • Smart Add-ins

      Smart Add-ins in SharePoint development are customized extensions or applications that enhance the functionality and user experience of SharePoint sites. These add-ins leverage SharePoint's robust infrastructure to deliver tailored solutions for various business needs.
    • Timely Maintenance

      Timely maintenance in SharePoint development is essential for ensuring the continued smooth functioning and optimization of your SharePoint environment. Regular maintenance tasks include monitoring server performance, applying updates and patches, managing user permissions, cleaning up unused sites and content, and optimizing search functionality
    • Custom Field Types

      In SharePoint development services , custom field types play a crucial role in extending the functionality and flexibility of SharePoint lists and libraries. These custom field types allow developers to create tailored data entry controls that align with specific business needs and processes.
    • Unique Branding

      One way SharePoint is used for unique branding is through customizable themes and templates. Organizations can tailor the look and feel of their SharePoint sites by incorporating company colors, logos, and design elements, creating a branded experience for users.
    • Seamless Integration

      Seamless integration in SharePoint development is the smooth incorporation of various components, functionalities, or third-party tools within the SharePoint environment. This integration aims to enhance user experience, streamline workflows, and maximize productivity.
    • Business Process Management

      Business Process Management (BPM) in SharePoint development involves leveraging the capabilities of SharePoint to streamline and automate business processes within an organization. SharePoint provides a robust platform for collaboration, document management, workflow automation, and data integration, making it well-suited for BPM initiatives.
    • Custom Site/Subsite Templates

      In SharePoint development services, creating custom site and Subsite templates can greatly streamline the process of building new sites while ensuring consistency and adherence to organizational standards. These templates are tailored to meet specific business needs, incorporating predefined layouts, branding elements, custom functionalities, and even pre-populated content.
  • 21+

    Years of Experience

  • 95%

    Customer Retention

  • 2500+


  • 1800+


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SharePoint development primarily serves the business industry by providing a robust platform for collaboration, document management, and workflow automation. Organizations across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and technology, utilize AI-driven SharePoint to streamline their internal processes and enhance productivity. 

A Snapshot of Our Process

Here is how our process stacks up.
  1. Assessment of Requirements

    Beginning with a thorough assessment phase, stakeholders identify and document their needs, objectives, and constraints.
  2. Design and Development

    The process typically involves thorough requirements gathering, where stakeholders' needs are documented.
  3. QA and Testing

    The QA and testing process is crucial to ensure the platform functions smoothly.
Reach out to us for SharePoint development solutions today

Reach out to us for SharePoint development solutions today

Together, let’s redefine your experience with purpose-driven solutions.

Get Started Now!

Why Hire SharePoint Developers Solution from Brainvire?

Here’s why hiring our SharePoint developers Soltuions will always be worth it.
Customization and Collaboration

Customization and Collaboration

customization and collaboration are essential components of SharePoint development. This tool allows developers to alter workflows, master pages, page layouts, and more, creating solutions specifically designed to satisfy company goals.
Sites Consolidation

Sites Consolidation

This single platform offers numerous advantages, enhances collaboration and productivity, and maximizes resources. Organizations can ensure consistent development standards, reduce redundancy, and foster knowledge sharing by centralizing expertise and resources.
Integrity Protection

Integrity Protection

Integrity protection for SharePoint developers involves ensuring the security, reliability, and authenticity of the SharePoint environment and its components. Hire SharePoint Developers because they adhere to best practices for coding, ensuring that their code is clean, and efficient.
Easy To Use

Easy To Use

SharePoint's interface has evolved over time to become more user-friendly. With modern SharePoint sites, Microsoft has focused on improving usability and making navigation more intuitive.
Centralized Administration Control

Centralized Administration Control

Centralized administration control in SharePoint development refers to the ability to manage and govern SharePoint environments from a single, centralized location. This ensures consistency, security, and efficiency across the SharePoint deployment.

What our Clients Say

Explore first hand accounts of client experiences, echoing our transformative Digital Solutions.
Mr. Jameson Chow

Mr. Jameson Chow


“Brainvire was able to configure our system with minimal customizations, completing the project in a very short timeframe. It not only saved us time but also led to cost-savings.”
Joey Raymond

Joey Raymond

Digital Development Manager

“Brainvire has been invaluable, on budget, and very responsive. They’d bend over backwards to help us in every way they can. They made our transition very seamless.”
Mr. Kevin Clor

Mr. Kevin Clor


“Brainvire has helped our business grow. We feel like it’s a true partnership. They’re always present. It’s been seven great years, looking forward to more.”
Brandon San Antonio

Brandon San Antonio


“We’ve been working with Brainvire for six years. They’re always very task-oriented and good with turning over projects in an expedited fashion. We recommend them.”
Adrianna Nava

Adrianna Nava


“Brainvire was able to create a really good plan for my business, implement consistency, and take a lot of things off my hands. I can’t say enough good things.”
Shalin Shah

Shalin Shah

Director of IT

“Brainvire has become a partner now. They are very different from other outsourcing companies. They have mastered communication, presentation, as well as delivery.”
Wayne Carlyle

Wayne Carlyle


“The Brainvire team has lived up to every commitment that Chintan made. They have given us a quote unquote part naming convention, that allows us to configure our product line.”
Bruno Binet

Bruno Binet

Managing Director

“Brainvire’s response is always fast. Their delivery has been fast and elevating. I really recommend the services which have been meeting all my expectations.”


  • What Is SharePoint?

    Microsoft Sharepoint serves as a safe haven where you may arrange, exchange, store, and access data on any device. A web browser, such as Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox, is all you need.

  • Why should I use SharePoint software instead of a file share?

    SharePoint is made for teamwork and collaborative document management. It organizes and distributes content via document libraries, lists, and websites. You can govern who may view, edit, and manage files in SharePoint by creating document libraries and assigning rights.

  • What web browsers are supported by SharePoint?

    All popular online browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Brave, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari, support SharePoint. However, some SharePoint functionality may be restricted, degraded, or only accessible through workarounds with specific web browsers.

  • Are the SharePoint plans in Office 365 the same as SharePoint Standard and Enterprise?

    Ultimately, the choice between Office 365 SharePoint plans and SharePoint Server editions depends on factors such as organizational size, IT infrastructure preferences, regulatory compliance needs, and budget considerations. Many organizations opt for Office 365 SharePoint plans for their convenience, scalability, and seamless integration with other cloud services.

  • How safe is SharePoint shared data?

    SharePoint Online uses cutting-edge encryption techniques to protect your data while it’s in transit. Your data is secure while it is transferred between servers or data centers and when users access it on different devices.

  • What services does Brainvire have for SharePoint?

    Brainvire offers several SharePoint services such as consulting services, branding and design services, enterprise content management and search services and so on. 

  • Will I need SharePoint training to use it?

    Users who receive training are better able to search and retrieve information more easily because they will grasp how SharePoint manages and organizes this content. Create Pages and Use the SharePoint Interface: Training equips users with the knowledge and abilities to create pages and utilize the SharePoint interface more efficiently.

  • How would integrating SharePoint into my enterprise improvise my business process?

    SharePoint allows you to create intranet sites, pages, document libraries, and lists. It will enable safe file sharing, synchronizing, and saving your data on the cloud.