Affiliate Network Portal with PPC Management

Affiliate Network Portal with PPC Management

About Client

The client is a big name in the affiliate network. However, the client needed to build a platform that could work on PPC management for all the users. Plus, the client also had to integrate all the aspects that it covers as a part of its business module.

About Product

The team at Brainvire executed an impressive PPC management module that can easily handle the clients’ needs and requirements. The product could handle account access for users and even automation of ROI and bid systems. The implementation of the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python) bundle along with some skilled talent, gave us an edge on this project.

The Challenges

Fully function PPC module

A PPC system is an effective way to redirect traffic to the intended website. These days numerous firms are implementing this for productivity

Fully function PPC module
The team at Brainvire planned and executed a functioning PPC management system. It features all the important aspects and options. LAMP developers were utilized for this.


The Challenges

Fully function PPC module
A PPC system is an effective way to redirect traffic to the intended website. These days numerous firms are implementing this for productivity

The team at Brainvire planned and executed a functioning PPC management system. It features all the important aspects and options. LAMP developers were utilized for this.

Fully function PPC module


  • A step ahead
    A fully immersive and user-friendly system, which involves all the tasks and operations for a functional PPC module. The design and model as a result of experience and ingenuity, therefore ahead of the competitors.
  • Better evaluation
    The understanding of processes and procedures led to better handling of the system and in turn stronger choices. Allowing for better planning and in the long run better growth.
  • Automation equals advancement
    With an automated ROI and bid system, the user can focus on other important tasks. This reduced human error and increased efficiency.
  • Better Results
    With access to detailed in-depth data, overall performance increased. Allowing for improved results.

Client Testimonials

Patricia Walters
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They help us coordinate the right skill sets, teams, and activities in order to get the job done. They transferred our platform assets, such as our servers, workstations, and databases, into their managed cloud services environment.
Patricia Walters
Founder and CEO - Creative LLC
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224 Reviews

They handle all their work with a personal touch, which encourages a continued long-term partnership. Their deliverable are reliable thanks to vigorous QA testing. I would recommend Brainvire to anyone.

Mike Luhtanen
Founder, Creative LLC
4 years ago