Expert’s Tips on Building a Spectacular Digital Portfolio

  • Education

  • Published On August 7, 2018

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Talking About Expert’s Tips on Building a Spectacular Digital Portfolio, Marketing, in this era, is not just about product making and selling, but how proficiently you convey the stories and connect with the audience through your product. Becoming slaves of the trend, every single person is busy running the rat race and finishing it in the same mundane way. This gives rise to the question, how will you differentiate yourself from the crowd and catch the eye of recruiters? Companies have become advanced and are using innovative recruiting techniques to hire the talented ones. And whilst they are busy adopting these new techniques, being a job seeker or a professional, are you on the right track and keeping up with the changes?

As they say, “by walking a few extra miles, you will not find the crowd anymore.” It is the time to showcase your talent, skills and experience and personal accomplishments through a more advanced approach – making a digital portfolio.

In this write up we are going to discuss 5 things which if included can make your digital portfolio outshine others and help you make a striking first impression.

– Present a quick-witted version of yourself
– Include your best work
– Make the folio in an ‘easy-to-navigate’ format
– Testimonials always grab attention – include them!
– Last but not least- do not forget adding real-life examples.

Expert's Tips on Building a Spectacular Digital Portfolio

Talking About Expert’s Tips on Building a Spectacular Digital Portfolio, Digital portfolios aka e-portfolios, online portfolios, e-folios, web folios, etc. are a mode of demonstrating your traditional written or described content in digital format. Having a mind boggling and jaw-dropping portfolio has become the need of the hour for every rookie and experienced job seeker. Read further to know how you can make your portfolio outstanding –

  • Present A Quick -Witted Version Of Yourself

Questions like ‘Tell me about yourself’, ‘Which of your experiences are you most proud of?’ etc. are thought of as a piece of cake to deal with but answering them creatively and precisely is what matters. The ‘About Me’ part of your portfolio is something that can make you stand out from the crowd or place you in the pile with others waiting to be dumped in the recycle bin. Lengthy introductions mostly end up in the TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) mind-set of the recruiter, so it would wise if you keep it short and simple but informative and attractive as well.

  • Your Best Work Should Come First

Time is money and this applies to every professional who is diligent and responsible. Especially recruiters find it a waste of time giving a long look to a single portfolio. So your work should be from your best creations and compelling enough to catch the attention of a recruiter before he completes the tour of your portfolio. Customize the order of your entries adeptly and list the main work first.

  • Make The Folio In An ‘Easy-To-Navigate’ Format

Complicated portfolios are always a bad impression and are kept away in the first place. Try to make a portfolio that is easy to navigate and straightforward. Navigating from one page to another should be simple and meant to steal the focus onto your work not distract the viewer.

  • Testimonials Always Grab Attention – Include Them!

No matter if you are experienced or starting out including honest testimonial or reviews from acquaintances praising your work is always of worth. In fact, testimonials from clients act as an extra bonus for your portfolio and show your work ethics and punctuality.

  • Last But Not Least- Do Not Forget Adding Your Own Projects or Volunteer Work

It is a basic fact that your already done projects have the capability of showcasing what kind and quality of work you can deliver to your clients in the future. Other than describing client-side projects, you must not hesitate in describing your own projects. It can be as small as designing a menu or building a menu or as big as developing a website. Also, keep in mind that adding all the volunteer work that you did for others and providing a proper explanation for the same will act as a cherry on the cake.

Talking About Expert’s Tips on Building a Spectacular Digital Portfolio,  Although, digital marketing, online portfolios are in trend and useful, you have to be very careful about compiling them. Because this will help you establish an unmatched online identity and a representation of what you are, so you must try to include every important feature that can make it shine. Summing it up with a brilliant quote by Bill Gates, “If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good!”

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