6 Industries That You Can Develop Applications with Node.js

  • Node.js

  • Published On October 5, 2017

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Talking About 6 Industries That You Can Develop Applications with Node.js, Have you ever observed that there are sites and mobile applications that don’t even take much of your time in loading? Google, eBay, Netflix, PayPal, Yahoo, LinkedIn, and many more companies have made their application with the Node.js framework, to reduce the loading. And, Node.js is the solution that they believe to make their customers happy while offering endless services.

NASA uses Node.js for better productivity at work!

Node.js is trending technology and a game changer for web applications, or internet users. This technology helps a lot in improving production activity and enhancing customers experience. The node.js framework is especially helpful to an industry that is offering real-time services.

One of the great advantages of node.js is that it brings down the loading time. It is fast and provides a scalable solution and that is all customers want from their service provider.

GoDaddy migrated to Node.js, front end and back end of their projects!

o Application with Node.js is faster, secure, scalable, space saver, and best for all network applications.

o A faster way to build your application with node.js.

o The attractive and whole web application is in a single threaded model with code circling.

Microsoft may come up with own version of node.js that is powered with JavaScript engine.

Top 6 industries that can leverage their business with Node.js technology

Banking Applications

As we all know that bank has to proceed with 100000+ transaction daily, and also have to update every banker with relevant details that can attract them to your services, at the same time this information has to be reached on time. Bank applications can show real data to their customers, fast processing transactions, user-friendly functions with attractive and meaningful design, promote products and offers with wide customers. They will choose your application because they will fill more secure banking with your application and you will be able to serve more services.

As of now, you may have noticed that the bank website or application goes under maintenance or error, but with Node.js bank application can become so powerful, strongly secure, lightweight, and user-friendly.

Health Care Institute

Hospital administrative always needs real-time data to meet patient needs. Here, we have seen cases, where people miss their treatment due to improper data, or information.

With node.js, you can leverage the way treatment with secure and reliable information. Directly access data of any patient and offer the best services. You can also improve the drug giving system.

Another advantage that the healthcare industry can take from such technology is offering consulting services online. You can get connected with patients through steam videos and help them out with their pain, or problems. By this, you will earn more profit and trust of the people.

News and Entertainment Application

Talking About 6 Industries That You Can Develop Applications with Node.js,  There is always news coming up, from the various part of the world. There are new announcements for movies, songs, and entertainment. People look for this information, and they only visit sites or applications that can help them to get reliable information.

If your media application is made with Node.js, then your audience can visit your site faster than ever. You will be able to update real-time information within a second, creates a large network, and which will result in better marketing.

Share unlimited content with the audience, and attract them before anyone gets their attraction.

With the help of the Node.js. Netflix was able to reduce 70-percent start-up time- less loading time and here is the fact that everyone knows.

Communication Application

Communication always happens in real time and improving the sending and receiving data time can make lots of different.

Who does not want to save time at the interval of communicating with people over the network? With node.js application network system, you can protect the data transfer from one user to another.


Social media, or project management app can go all along with Node.js for a better future and services.
Here, everyone gets to save time and live streaming loading time is cut down to very less. So, if your business involved lots of talking with customers, then node.js is the solution. These help customers to communicate with you fast and both the party gets to save time.

Ecommerce Application

If your ecommerce business is on node.js, then you can enjoy many benefits. Just imagine, you can change the prices of the products and announce the frequent sale at any time and grab the attention of people to your site.

Yes, this is possible with node.js and this will attract many customers and most importantly, you can change data within seconds on the live website.

You also get to promote your products faster to customers and update them with all the information that you want them to know during a specific time.

eBay, one of the biggest ecommerce site uses Node.js technology

Trading Marketing

The Share market is all about money and time. Here, time is real information and that is all in the trading market.

Every second, the price of the share goes up or come down, and within time many people lose the valuable money that they invested according to your data or information you gave them. But, if you build your application with Node.js, you can protect your customers by updating real-time information to your site, so they can make a decision at the right movement.

Talking About 6 Industries That You Can Develop Applications with Node.js,  Brainvire a leading Node.js Development Company offers top-class expertise and IT services for developing Node.js Website Development according to your needs. We work with certified Node.js developers, who are efficient in their work and always ready to work with you.

Contact us today, and be the first from your competitor list and cross-check them right away.

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