A Flashback Of A Few Interesting Things About Google On Its 15th Birthday!

  • Internet Marketing/Online Marketing Tips

  • Published On September 27, 2013

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Google is all set to get matured this week. The leading search engine giant going to celebrate its 15th birthday this week on Friday, but its already heating up with excitement and with a special easter egg. Do you know how Google was looking back in early 1998 at the time of its birth? Have a look at the image below where you can see how our favorite Google was looking in its early days.

Today, marks exactly 15 years when Google was first unveiled by its founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. All are excited about the celebrations going to take place on this historic occasion. On this amazing occasion, it will be quite interesting to share a few of the most amazing secrets about Google that will make you say “WOW” on how Google got matured in the past 15 years.

– BackRub that was what Google was originally called! The home page of the Google reads: “BackRub is a web crawler that is intended to traverse the web.

– Google is also not the name that was considered initially. It is a misspelling of the word googol, which means one followed by one-hundred zeros.

– Google has managed to purchase on an average one company every week since past 3 years.

– We all love doodles created by google for special occasions or historic moments, but do you know which was the first doodle from Google? Well, it was a Burning Man Symbol.

– Charlie Ayers is the first in-house chef that was hired when the company was having only 40 employees in the 1999.

– Do you know in how many languages you can use Gmail??? Well, it’s a 50! You can use Gmail is 50 different languages including Weish, Basque, Tagalog, Malayalam, Telugu and Cherokee.

– How many times you’ve used “I’m feeling lucky” feature on Google? If no, then use it as the it costs almost $100 million in lost ad revenue every year!

– You will be surprised by knowing that Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin own just 16% of the entire company share! However, that 16% let them earn a net worth of $46 billion every year!

– Do you know what they called new employees and old employees? Well, new employees at Google are known as “Noogle” and former employees are known as “Xoogler”!

– A few of the core services from Google went down for merely 5 mins, but it has caused a worldwide internet traffic to drop-off by almost 40%!!!

What will be your birthday wish for Google? Share your thoughts and feelings in the comments…! Wishing Google A Very Happy Birthday!!!!

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