Need For Adopting Node.js Applications In Global Enterprises

  • Node.js

  • Published On February 12, 2015

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Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform environment on the server-side for networking applications. Node.js applications are written primarily in JavaScript & uses the Google V8 JavaScript search engine to execute the codes. It can be run on multiple-operating platforms like OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and IBM in to name a few. Node.js is soon transforming from a mere JavaScript solutions provider to a full-fledged server-side Enterprise Architecture (EA) service provider to companies across the world. Today, it is being used by top companies like Groupon, SAP, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Walmart, Rakuten, PayPal, and Voxer.

As Compared to hire mobile app developers or ecommerce developers, for any tech person orNode.js expert developers need to tap this huge opportunity & develop applications in such a manner that they increase efficiency & offer cost-effective services to enterprises across the globe.Node.js experts some of the advantages the Node.js applications offer are as follows: –

  • It supports most of the major operating systems like OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and IBM I to name a few.
  • A large part of the modules is written in Javascript & executes codes in GoogleV8 JavaScript engine thus it gives a tool for Node js developers to design customized applications to clients.
  • Node.js is an asynchronous nature & it is the most commonly used real-time web-based application around the world thus offering a chance for service providers to encash this opportunity.
  • It runs on single-threaded events thus avoiding while multi-threading the execution of events. However, multi-threading events are also supported through Node.js 0.10+ from JXcore.
  • Node.js is similar in design to Ruby’s Event Machine or Python’s Twisted thus givingNode.js developers a fair idea of designing applications to clients.
  • Node.js contains a built-in library & allows applications to act as a web server and thus doesn’t depend upon software (applications) like such as Apache HTTP Server or IIS.
  • Node.js applications don’t block the I/O calls in the event loop thus making web development & application design an efficient process.
  • It also makes for a highly efficient request proxy. Node.js sits in front of your existing Enterprise Systems (e.g. Apache/Tomcat server) and simply routes website traffic to its correct destination thus making node.js website development and phone app development a lucrative opportunity.
  • In addition to the above, Node.js presents the events loops as a language instead of just acting as a library.

Thus, Node.js applications could act as a tool for improving, mobilizing and potentially migrating from legacy systems to new enterprise architectures for enterprises & organization & it could act as a critical part of our business whereby we can enable our customers to connect mobile applications for complex enterprise systems in the future.

Contact Brainvire a leading node.js development company for node.js development services.

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