
Do you try introducing a new market in your services but failed to obtain synchronized data around it? Well, this is a leading fintech company in North America that faced the same ordeal. Brainvire examined their need for a smooth money management software integration that can provide them all the data in the consolidated form.

Project Highlights

The core challenge in the project was to provide all the cryptocurrency data across the globe with utmost clarity to the company. We identified, designed, and implemented integrations so that the company obtains data in a transparent format. We used Interactive Broker APIs that can notify the company about the fluctuations in the cryptocurrency realm. This improved their portfolio management capabilities and amplified ROI.

The Challenges

  • Multiple Benefits:
    It was a tough challenge for the company to introduce the right functionalities and suffice the client’s requirements.
  • Responsive Application:
    There was a strong need for an application that can readily offer opening and closing data.
  • Efficient Data Management:
    Managing 200,000-400,000 records per transaction was no cakewalk.
  • The Purpose of using Interactive Broker APIs:
    The massive data made it a daunting task to trace the fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market.

Tech Stack

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    .Net core

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    Azure cloud

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    Windows Azure

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    MS SQL

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    Interactive Broker API

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  • Customized Crypto Data Manager

    This custom-built middleware application offers the much-needed cryptocurrency data to the fintech giant conveniently.
  • Two-Way Data Communication

    The presence of Interactive Broker APIs enabled smooth data transfer activated two-way data communication that improved business efficiency.
  • Data Validation

    We also implanted Sandbox as an isolated testing environment to ensure that the data gets validated before it is posted on the application. This added security to the data so that factual and genuine data is posted.
  • Increased ROI

    This new integration made way for refined cryptocurrency data, increased the number of clients, and eventually improved business ROI.