Brainvire Automates the Process of Classified Submission for the Largest Media House in India

Digital transformation has taken a center stage. With the notable upsurge in the online presence of businesses, there is a need for automating the process which can reduce the human efforts. Brainvire is recognizing such potential areas and created advanced software for one of the leading media houses in India automating advertise submissions.

"Brainvire is dedicated to providing modern solutions that can add value to the industry. As we can see the growth of UGC(user-generated content) websites or media websites, it is essential to reduce repetitive tasks and elevate the efficiency. If you have an application that allows your users to post content and upload their photos, this kind of software can be very useful to organize and manage your intellectual properties, be it a newspaper, magazine, social media websites, or ecommerce," says Mr. Chintan Shah, Brainvire CEO.

Brainvire's Futuristic Solution for Managing Advertisement Submissions for Premier News Website

Mobility and digitization become mainstream in almost every industry verticals. There are millions of posts and user-generated content are posted on various websites. At the present, content purification is required to protect your brand image and strengthen your foundation of visibility.

The client owns one of the reputed and established newspapers in the country and had to deal with thousands of ads and classifieds. As the client is one of the prestigious media brands in India, they wanted to develop the system that will be monitoring the content posted on the website.

Additionally, the types of content - images, text, videos, should be passed through the middle software that is responsible for filtering and moderate the content and eliminate the offensive and obscene content.

Brainvire's dedicated team come up with an innovative solution that is in a form of API which acts as a middleware between content posting application and advertisement website.

What Are The Comprehensive Features Of This One-Of-Its-Kind Solution?

The aim is to integrate the APIs with the website that effortlessly and efficiently removes the objectionable elements from the submissions.

Take a look at the high-end features:

  • Profanity Check - Filter your content of profane words and visuals
  • Emotion Recognition - Detecting emotion on faces
  • Face Recognition - Face recognition for enhanced tagging of images
  • OCR - Text extraction, reading and profanity check from within images
  • Tag - Updating custom data in image metadata
  • IPTC - Updating custom data in image IPTC data
  • Location Identification - Auto identifying popular locations
  • Logo Recognition - Auto identifying brands in an image via their logos
  • Object Detection - Detecting objects present in an image
  • Forensics - Detecting Image forgery

with these above mentioned features, this modern software can be widely used in UGC websites to reduce human efforts and cost of operation.

About Brainvire

Brainvire is one of the top IT consultants having 1500+ success stories across the globe within the majority of the business verticals. providing a unique approach and customer-first strategies, Brainvire is dedicated to building value-added digital transformation solutions to the industry.

Industry Tags:

  • Product launch

Subject Tags:

  • Media & Entertainment
  • Automation
  • Classified

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