Brainvire Has Set Off Walmart Marketplace Integration with Magento

"Brainvire has developed Walmart extension for Magento Ecommerce platform to lend a hand to Magento Ecommerce store to sell on Walmart’s global marketplace with a great ease. "

Utah, USA, 26 September, 2016.

Brainvire, the leading IT solution development company that engineer scalable mobile applications, enterprise solutions and Ecommerce store for SMEs tailored to the business needs, has announced that it has developed an extension for Walmart marketplace integration with Magento Ecommerce, and has started offering Walmart marketplace integration services.

The Great Walmart!

Walmart- the world’s leading retailer with online footprints, enjoys the virtue of attracting 80 million unique visitors every month and generating 482 billion revenue in 2016 financial year.

Let’s shed some light over Walmart marketplace

In 2009, with the aim of ramping up the product catalog, the Walmart marketplace was launched to open the Walmart gates for the online retailers where the third party retailers get the recognition of listing their products on the worlds’ top Ecommerce store. The open source Walmart marketplace API is provided by the Walmart that help the retailers to feature and sell the products on

The real scenario

The online retailers are no longer just wanted to sell the products on the Ecommerce only, but they want various marketplaces integration such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Jet, Sears and Rakuten are names to few.

Every the one in two Magento Ecommerce stores wanted to reap the rewarding results and grow by manifolds with Walmart marketplace integration. But, Walmart integration with Magento Ecommerce is not plain-sailing and demands a need of proficient Walmart integration service provider.

In the universe, only a handful of the companies provide the rare to find Walmart integration services as it requires the bulk product import, automated order processing, inventory synchronization between store and Walmart, product and order management and more with a great precision.

That’s where Brainvire stand first in providing Walmart marketplace integration to the Magento Ecommerce. The Walmart extension integration services are provided for Magento 1.9 and 2.0 version.

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“Our flawless Walmart integration with Magento Ecommerce unfold great opportunities before the Magento Ecommerce stores to list the products on and get the access of its over 260 million customers,” said Brainvire CEO, Chintan Shah. “The team did the Walmart integration for existing Magento Ecommerce clients to help them get benefited with high traffic, improved brand recognition, increased conversion and heightened ROI.”

The winning outcomes!

Investing into Walmart integration has helped Magento stores to easily list and advertise the products, connect with the Walmart shoppers, exceed the customers’ expectations and garner the huge customers’ trust, loyalty and traffic volume.

What Magento Ecommerce says?

“The exceptional performance and the increase in the revenue by manifolds are completely astounding,” the Magento Ecommerce integrated the Walmart marketplace said.

About company

Brainvire is the foremost mobile, web, Ecommerce development company that’s committed to shape the business ideas into a fully-fledge application, which exactly resonates the business requirement. The team has hands-on experience and expertise in Magento Ecommerce web development and has had optimize the merchandise sales across different platforms with multiple marketplaces integration such as Walmart, Sears, Jet, Amazon, Rakuten and eBay to the Magento Ecommerce.

Industry Tags:

  • Product launch

Subject Tags:

  • eCommerce
  • Marketplace integration
  • Walmart

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