Brainvire Showed up at Affiliate Summit West and NRF Retail’s Big Show – 2 Mega Events of 2016

“Brainvire made a great start to the year by being a part of the two best events of the first quarter of 2016; Affiliate Summit West 2016 and NRF Retail’s Big Show 2016

3 February, 2016 - Brainvire, one of the leading IT solutions providers showed up at two best events of the USA, Affiliate Summit West 2016 as well as NRF Retail’s Big Show 2016.

As Brainvire offers the best in class affiliate marketing and advertising services, we were highly interested to attend Affiliate Summit West 2016, as it is well known as one of the best affiliate marketing conferences that began with the intention of educating affiliate marketers. Brainvire attended the event on January 10 to 12 in Las Vegas and it was up to the expectations. This three-day conference helped us meet affiliate managers, agencies, networks and advertisers from across the world. The best part about it was the Ad exchange platform and Ad server technology discussion. It was all about how it is replacing the traditional way of negotiating media inventory price, as ad exchange platform makes the buying and selling of media inventory easier where prices are determined by bidding. It gave a lot of knowledge regarding the ad exchange platform and the latest industry standards, which will be quite useful to us, as Brainvire is planning to add Ad exchange platform development in its long list of services.

Brainvire plays a major role in retail industry, we offer the quality Magento eCommerce solutions right from ‘Magento website, extension, enterprise and module’ development to Magento customization and integration services. We have built a feature rich Magento mobile Point of Sale (POS) system which can serve as a boon to all types of stores. We believe in ‘never stop learning’ which is why we attended NRF Retail’s Big Show 2016. This four-day event at New York was all about Magento and retail discussion, exactly the way we expected. The professionals shared unparalleled knowledge and motivated audience to take their retail sector to the next level. The discussions about the latest technologies helped us a lot, as we are planning for big launch of our Magento based POS.

Mr. Chintan Shah, the CEO at Brainvire says, “Brainvire is well known for web and mobile development services; however, we don’t limit our services to it. We are constantly evolving organization that focuses equally on advertising, affiliate marketing, eCommerce products and a lot more. Our mission is to utilize our IT knowledge and tools in the best way to serve all business verticals and domains.”

Brainvire is the leading information Technology consultation and solution provider, which has got its clients across the world. We offer website and application development services to all domains; be it Retail, Finance, Healthcare, Advertising, Education and Real Estate, to name a few.

Industry Tags:

  • Corporate

Subject Tags:

  • Event
  • Affiliate Summit
  • NRF

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