
Our customer Legalese is a global law firm with 20 years of experience in the legal industry. They are a group of top business lawyers who wish to stop charging needy clients exorbitant fees. Instead, they created a platform to assist people and provide top-notch legal advice for a fraction of the cost. Unfortunately, this website has several difficulties that resulted in a lack of communication between the client and the attorneys and affected the overall process.

Project Highlights

Legalease contacted Brainvire to assist clients experiencing difficulties with the present website. All of the website's problems were inconveniencing clients and lowering their engagement with the site. Therefore, Brainvire conducted a comprehensive website audit to identify flaws and integrated various third-party solutions to help solve the problem.

The Challenges

  • Document Uploading Issues
    The functionality crashed while uploading documents to the panel, and the process stopped in the midst.
  • Calling Functionality is Troublesome
    The system prompted the caller to check in each time they clicked the zoom link and started a video call.
  • Payment Problems
    Payment functionality was occasionally disrupted for unforeseen reasons.
  • Problematic Password Reset Functionality
    There were issues with the password reset link's operation, and multiple security concerns were raised.

Tech Stack

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  • Easy Document Upload

    There will be no interruptions in the uploading of the document. The user can monitor the upload process and cancel it if necessary.
  • Quick Communication

    Lawyers can directly open zoom meetings without explicit authentication and connect with their clients in less time.
  • Seamless and Secure Payment

    Implemented Stripe payment gateway to fix failure, functionality breaks issue with full surety and security.
  • Securely Reset Password

    Our experts developed a secure mailing system and implemented an application token that is not accessible to those with application code.
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