Ecommerce Website Development with Node.JS and HTML5

Node.JS is a popular backend tool and a powerful JavaScript framework generally used to develop input-output based applications like web applications, single page applications, video streaming sites and much more. With the power packed ecosystem of open source libraries, this JavaScript runtime tool has the ability to support a large number of concurrently running connections on a single thread. This feature makes node.js, a reliable platform to support large data transactions and hence, this is the primary reason that many firms look out for node.js development to support their ecommerce websites which generally have to deal with large sets of data.

On the other hand, HTML5 is a standard web design language for modern websites. It allows execution of multiple instances to occur at a single point of time while keeping the main attraction intact. With HTML5, developers can move off from the past clunky functionalities of the older HTML versions and design websites for better feel, look and interactivity.

So, why create an ecommerce website with Node.JS as backend and HTML5 as frontend platform?

Answer lies in the needs or expectations of the clients, what customers expect from an ecommerce website? Easy checkout, simplified navigation and quick access to information is what most of the clients expect to get from an online store. These features can make shopping process much easier and simplified for the customers and, it’s natural for them to expect it in an online shopping website.

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Let us have a look at this from a more granular perspective.

According to a recent study, most of the customers expect the web page to be loaded in less than 3 seconds and if not, they opt to quit the page. Bandwidth, RAM, and few other elements are responsible for how fast a web page can be loaded. Node.JS can be great to achieve lesser page loading times and hence, improve the speed of the web pages.

Moreover, a person shopping through an online shopping website would also like to get personalized recommendations for improved shopping experiences. They are more likely to share the product listings on various social media platforms with their friends, relatives, and family. Hence, they wish to see the social media integration in these websites which again is possible through HTML5. The HTML5 enables connecting to various social media platforms through their APIs to the eCommerce website. Hence, HTML5 can play a big role in eCommerce website development services. After all, HTML5 will enable better designing the user interface of the website which is a crucial component of any eCommerce website. It enables to give the website the functionality desired by the customer.

One of the conventional communication slowdowns occurring in eCommerce websites can be eliminated through Node.JS. This is because Node.JS runs on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine which enables it to convert JavaScript into native machine language instead of converting it into byte code as it is normally done. Node.JS allows asynchronous communications and allows the data to be transmitted whenever it’s available thereby eliminating the latency caused due to the client requesting services from the server. Hence, Node.JS is a good backend platform for eCommerce websites which requires providing better customer experiences with improved communications, user interface, and swift page loading times.

So, if you are looking for reliable HTML5 and Node JS development services, then approach Brainvire’s team of expert Node.JS developers. These developers have hands-on experience developing enterprise websites using Node.JS. Just get in touch with us to know more about our web development services.

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