Brainvire’s Four New Free Android and iPhone Games – A treat for gamers

Gone are those days, when people used to think of sports or indoor games like chess and carom, when they hear the word ‘games’. In this app age, when people hear ‘games’, they think of the mobile app game; be it Android or iOS. In the recent past, with the progress in the field of Android app development and iPhone application development, the game application development is gaining popularity.

The app games are always fun and interesting; one of the best things to do in our free time. It has gained popularity because of its ease of access. Computer and video games were fun too. However, it needed a lot of things. On the other side, we can play app games easily, as all we need with us is our smart phones. This can beneficial when we are travelling or when we have to sit for long in a waiting room. We can start playing instantly, whenever we are free. All we need is our smartphone.

Because of this ease of access, it has gained so much popularity across the world. The number of game app downloads is increasing at a rapid pace. In March 2015, the category in which the highest number of iOS apps got downloaded is ‘games’, according to Statista. A lot of people are planning to start the game development business. So, Brainvire is also engaged into developing Android and iPhone game applications.

Brainvire has just launched four games in Google Play Store and Apply App Store. So, let us take a quick look over those games…

  • Crazy Wheels
  • Quick 100
  • Genius
  • Bluetooth Luck

Crazy wheels

This is pretty simple, yet challenging! All you have to do is tap your screen when the rotating arrow in the middle of the circle points towards the matching color in the circle. You can also record your game and share it on social media. You can also check the score of your friends on leader board.

iTunes Link:

Quick 100

This is a quick 30-seconds game; where in you have to tap on the number displayed on your screen. Keep doing that as fast as possible to make a total of 100. You can share your score and check the score of others on leader board.

iTunes Link:


This is a mathematical game; where in you have to keep calculating and answering. One answer wrong and game over! However, you can earn points and lives. Also, you can share it on social networking websites.

iTunes Link:

Bluetooth Luck

You can either play it with your device or your friend (through Bluetooth). You will be given numbers from 1 to 12. Click on the one you think that your friend might have selected. You might guess it right, if you are lucky. The one who finishes all the numbers first wins the game.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the game which you found the most interesting, in your respective compatible device and start playing!
If you have got an amazing game idea and you are looking out for the expert game developers, contact us! Share your ideas with us and we will turn your idea into a real game in no time at affordable prices.

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