Mobile App For Employees To View Telehealth, Experts, And Tier-Based Diseases

Mobile App For Employees To View Telehealth, Experts, And Tier-Based Diseases

Tech Stack

  • Android
  • AWS
  • IOS
  • PostgreSQL
  • ReactJs

About Client

The client is an investment firm specializing in commercial real estate. When it comes to occupancy, quality, and reputation, they are the best in their respective markets. Further, the client is seeking a platform that can provide its members with the finest healthcare choices through an app to assist their workforce better. They have chosen to work with Brainvire to create this eHealth platform.

About Product

A user may check a list of conditions that are eligible for free direct primary care and free telemedicine and then make an appointment or get advice from a doctor online. In their profile, users may see which services come under Tier 1 and which under Tier 2 of their package. Users at Tier 1 may look through a variety of illness categories and associated care providers under the headings of Free Primary Care and Free Telemedicine. Similarly, a Tier 2 employee will have access to a list of experts and a list of ailments.
Product Banner

The Challenges

Authenticate Users

The client required user authentication to occur independently of any other parties.

Authenticate Users
Identifying the user is crucial since they have a master list of data that includes information about each employee and their spouse. So, first, we will verify staff members using their SSNs and cell phone numbers. Next, we'll verify the spouse's identity using their Social Security number and then send the second-stage OTP to the employee for verification.


The Challenges

Authenticate Users
The client required user authentication to occur independently of any other parties.

Identifying the user is crucial since they have a master list of data that includes information about each employee and their spouse. So, first, we will verify staff members using their SSNs and cell phone numbers. Next, we'll verify the spouse's identity using their Social Security number and then send the second-stage OTP to the employee for verification.

Authenticate Users


  • Secure Access
    By using this method, businesses may provide their customers safe access to their applications and a simple means of logging in.
  • Contemporary Medical Care
    The customer will benefit from this since it will encourage their workers to seek out the best treatment options for any illnesses they experience.
  • Elite Specifications
    The customer will benefit from this technological stack in terms of both future growth and OS-related features.
  • Increased Resources for Primary Care
    Users will be able to view a list of experts and conditions that fall within their tier thanks to the implementation of bifurcated functionality.

Product Screens

Client Testimonials

Patricia Walters
quote icon
They help us coordinate the right skill sets, teams, and activities in order to get the job done. They transferred our platform assets, such as our servers, workstations, and databases, into their managed cloud services environment.
Patricia Walters
Founder and CEO - Creative LLC
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224 Reviews

They handle all their work with a personal touch, which encourages a continued long-term partnership. Their deliverable are reliable thanks to vigorous QA testing. I would recommend Brainvire to anyone.

Mike Luhtanen
Founder, Creative LLC
4 years ago