Cloud-Based Digital Learning Solution for Education Industry

Cloud based elearning solutions are picking up pace with market predicted to rise to $25 billion in 2021

  • Business Resilience

  • Published on September 25, 2020

  • Updated on May 29, 2024

Cloud-Based Digital Learning Solution for Education Industry

The recent turn of events has made us adapt to more technological advancements. The frequent lockdowns that took place across the globe gave way to improvements in the digital infrastructure.

All the sectors, ranging from education to finance, have curved with the winds of change to hop on to the latest cloud development. This binds the gap in how operations are executed remotely.

Cloud Infrastructure in Education Technology

Similar to almost every sector, education has also shifted its gears to edtech app development,  aiding the e-learning platform with massive transformation. The modern-day cloud-based education platforms provide students with an upper hand in traditional educational measures.

With visualization coming into the concept, e-learning is more convenient to the entire educational faculty. These digital platforms are a great place to showcase the practical skills of the students as they learn collaboration with the other students/teachers.

Let’s take a look at how cloud-based digital learning solution is advantageous for the education industry:

The traditional education system has always been board reliant and immobile in terms of revisions and adaptation to new and more engaging ways of learning. On the other hand, e-learning has been an effective solution for edtech development as students don’t need to be carrying several books or rely on teachers for revision, which helps save time and efforts on both sides.

More Reliant and Self-paced Learning

E-learning aids students to study as per their convenience and plan their routine as per their time schedule, without missing out on lectures and attendance requirements. Cloud development has given way to such apps that mobilize education with self-paced learning.

Interestingly, e-learning also reduces the stress of attending repetitive classes, resulting in a better learning experience.

No Limit to Repeating Lectures

Unlike traditional learning, where students are bound to understand lessons irrespective of the subject and presence of mind, e-learning empowers them with an unlimited repeat on a single lecture. Edtech development has moulded the scenario of education in such a manner that every student can learn at their own level of understanding.

E-learning Revolves around Students

E-learning goes hand-in-hand with Student-centered learning (SCL), aka ‘learner-centered education’. e-Learning aims to improve the quality of education by adding engaging means of interaction.

Due to its nature of self-paced education, e-learning is one of the greatest boons to the education sector.

Real-time Lesson Delivery

E-Learning is the gateway to real-time education. In comparison to regular education, E-learning eliminates over 25%-60% of the time required in traditional learning.

Listed below are some of the ways on how it initiates a smoother flow of teaching.

  • Lessons start at a fixed schedule and are often completed in a single session. This increased effectiveness in teaching enables training programs to easily complete the process within a few weeks, or even days.
  • Saves time as students don’t need to be present at a particular venue but receive attention at their own convenience.

Customized Learning Experience

E-learning provides the students with a chance to be in their desirable learning environment. Studies have found that it is a great way to improve the learning performance and mental health.

In case of a traditional learning environment, the classrooms are set according to the institutions. E-Learning also provides students with their own comfort in terms of sitting arrangements or the surrounding environments.


The Future of E-learning

E-learning will surely be a major factor behind offering improved levels of education around the globe for the future. The cloud development aspect of these apps makes e-learning possible and brings unique advantages in terms of providing personalized level of education to all students.

While online tutoring will impose a threat on conventional methods of teaching, the technological advancements in the educational sector are receiving immense support from the government. So, the future of e-learning might offer more than just academic knowledge inside campuses in the near future.

Some Interesting Stats on Edtech Development

  • Online education sector was worth just $247 million back in 2016. However, it is expected to reach about $1.96 billion by 2021. This massive growth sums up with an impressive annual growth rate of 52%.
  • The total number of users enrolled for online learning courses collectively is estimated to be around 1.6 million in 2016. This figure is further expected to increase to up to 9.6 million by 2021.
  • The estimated increase in the cost of classroom education has been a whopping 175%.
  • Nearly 48% of the population in a country, between ages of 15 and 40, with lower income, is considered to be the main target market for institutions promoting online education. The acceptability of online channels is higher among the younger age group people.


How E-Learning Is Cost-effective for Educational Institutions

Using ASP.NET development services with Angular, in the Covid-19 situation Edtech industry has leverage the existing milestone. E-learning is a more cost-effective medium than the traditional education system. It eliminates the need for students to travel or even for the institutions to rent/own a place. Instead, students can join their classes by simply logging into portals.

Besides eliminating the costs of renting a space, cloud-based learning is also effective for students as it takes away textbooks out of the equation.

And lastly, maintaining a seamless workflow also becomes easy for educational institutions. It helps them save money on running multiple training sessions for a specified topic and also saves the productivity of the workflow.

Edtech development will have its own significance in molding the education structure around the globe. Given the rate at which cloud infrastructure is in development, the future will be here sooner than we think.

Industry Tags:

  • Business Resilience

Subject Tags:

  • Cloud and DevOps
  • Cloud Transformation
  • Digital learning

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