iPhone Application Development – Benefits And Restrictions

After the launch of iPhone 5 and iOS 6 it has been reported that the popularity of iPhone has grown manifold. Many users those who are using iPhone 4S are getting their software upgraded to iOS 6. iOS 6 brings many new features almost 200+ making it the most popular software upgrade for iPhone users. iPhone has always been a popular smartphone and offers developers a platform to develop unique and innovative iPhone applications making it most suitable for iPhone Application Development. If you are thinking to develop an iPhone application for your business, here are some of the reasons why you should opt for the iPhone platform.

Why you should choose iPhone for your application idea?

  • There are many smartphones available in the market today and iPhone is the one that dominates all. Approximately 6 million of the iPhone hand sets have been sold worldwide and the sale is still increasing. Hence, iPhone offers you a tremendous opportunity to develop and market your application to the millions of users worldwide.
  • iPhone SDK is available for download and with the help of it any one can develop and market their application on the Apple App Store. The iPhone SDK provides all the necessary tools to developers to develop an iPhone application. There are numerous companies offering iPhone application development services and have developed hundreds of applications for iPhone. You can hire the services from any of the iPhone development company in order to create your application quickly.
  • iPhone applications are quite popular and users use these applications for various purposes such as fun, entertainment, business purpose etc. iPhone is not just a phone today but has become a crucial part of an individual’s life.
  • There are several benefits you can derive from iPhone application development but there are some restrictions as well put down by Apple for development and running of an application. Here are some restrictions which you should keep in mind before starting your iPhone development project.

Restrictions of iPhone applications

  • - The major restriction applied by Apple is that the user can’t run two applications at the same time – no matter how important both applications are. For example, if you are busy in one application and need to open the other application to complete your pending work, you’ll have to close the first application and then move on to the next one.
  • - The second limitation is that iPhone does not allow you to run third-party applications in the background.
  • - Sometimes iOS compatibility issues also arise. If you develop an application for iOS 6 you’ll have to put some extra time and effort to develop an application that could easily run on the previous versions as well. Although, this issue has been reported but still it is a problem for iPhone application developers.

To sum up, these limitations are sometimes frustrating but still it haven’t affected the sale of iPhone. iPhone is still the leading smartphone in the market and captures almost 30% of the market share. There are almost 700,000 different iPhone applications available on the internet which clearly says that iPhone is still very popular among the masses and the benefits of iPhone application development simply over powers the limitations set by Apple.

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