MongoDB Atlas – Database as a Service, Database in the Cloud

It was the annual developer conference, MongoDB World 2016 in New York, when the MongoDB team announced its greatest launch, The MongoDB Atlas. The NoSQL giant just amazed the world with their new offering that hosted the NoSQL database as a service. Already there are a number of third-party cloud providers around, that offer MongoDB-as-a-service, but, with Atlas, the NoSQL giant has slashed all these third party providers by offering cloud database-as-a-service of its own.

About MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a cloud database service which offers all the features of a MongoDB database to its users without any operational overheads. For example, as you launch an application on a database, you need to plan for the things like availability, security, performance and disaster recovery for seamless application output. But, with MongoDB Atlas, all these operations would be handled automatically and hence, all the overheads are eliminated.

So, this makes MongoDB development and deployment lot easier and quicker. Time of deployment and time to market for the applications is greatly reduced and hence, this can provide an exclusive advantage to the businesses so that they can get better profits and time to focus on their core activities and customers.

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Scaling up with MongoDB Atlas

With MongoDB Atlas, scaling up your enterprise needs would not be a problem at any point of time because the database service provides unlimited scalability by scaling up or down on larges instance types and scaling out across instances with automatic sharding. The interesting fact here is that it allows for scaling without any application downtime.

Is Atlas available everywhere and for everyone?

MongoDB uses the major cloud platforms in the market like AWS, Google and Microsoft to make the service available to the users across the globe. It is right now available only to the users in AWS regions through pay-as-you-go model and on hourly basis.

What MongoDB Atlas offers?

Continuous Availability

Continuous availability and in-time failure recovery at a click of button.

Continuous and consistent back up of replica sets and snapshots of sharded clusters to ensure easy and safe restore of the data for precisely the moment you require


Scale up or down through large instances and scale out with automatic sharding and that too without application downtime


Combines the capabilities of RDBMS and NoSQL to empower and simplify development with a single managed database platform


Allows high security to database with multiple levels of security like access control, network isolation,

IP whitelists, data encryption and lot more.

High performance

Offers a better performance ratio compared to the traditional database solutions. Provides high throughput and low latency for heavy workloads.

Any Pricing Issues?

No, there are no pricing issues with MongoDB Atlas, which is available at a no fee. The users have to pay only for the hours they use it. However, it also depends on the size of the instances and data transfer you are looking to get from it.

Hence, MongoDB Atlas is definitely a great database service for those looking to develop their applications on the NoSQL platform. However, if you want to develop an application using this Atlas service, then you will need to avail MongoDB development services of the experts.

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