Brainvire’s Event Management Platform is All Set to Save Organizers’ Time & Maximize Attendee Engagement

The platform will enhance user experience through virtual tickets, mobile technology, and community engagement.

Brainvire, a 19-year-old Digital Enabler and IT consulting firm, announced the launch of an advanced event management platform for a Kuwait-based entrepreneur. It aims to revolutionize how events are planned and attended.

Event management is a domain that is still heavily dependent upon manual process, creating unnecessary stress and additional work for event managers. On the other hand, the attendees can sense the lack of a user-friendly platform when attending their favorite events. Brainvire has used simple and effective technology to streamline the end-to-end event management process while eliminating most of the practical roadblocks.

"Technology is shaping the future of events, with mobile event apps and community participation having an extremely positive impact on the attendee experience," said Mr. Chintan Shah, the CEO of Brainvire. "Our solution provides a common platform where both event organizers and attendees can register themselves and enjoy the privileges."

The application helps in hosting events that could be public, private, free, or paid-to-access. From venue selection, pre-event marketing and registration, to onsite attendee engagement and post-event follow-up, organizers can do almost everything in the app.

Attendees, on the other hand, can book tickets online and generate virtual tickets in the form of Quick Recognition (QR) codes. They can also socialize with other like-minded individuals and get push notifications whenever they are planning to attend any event.

About Brainvire

Developing solutions with innovation, usability, and efficiency, Brainvire is one of the top IT consulting firms. With over 18 years of experience and more than 550 employee strength, it strives to create a difference in the society through technology. Having delivered over 1500 projects to its clientele spread globally, it has endured a 95% customer retention rate. Brainvire offers exclusive consultancy services such as Business Intelligence, Digital Marketing, Cloud ERP, CRM for E-commerce, etc. for diverse industry verticals while keeping customer satisfaction as its top priority.

It has earned many accolades such as 'Top IT Services Firm 2019', 'Top Mobile App Developers 2019', and 'Top E-commerce Developers 2019' by Clutch.

Industry Tags:

  • Product launch

Subject Tags:

  • Full stack development
  • Event Management

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