
Our customer ranks highly among North American 1031 companies. As far as services go, 1031X is unparalleled in its efficiency, speed, and safety. The clients must be able to use off-the-shelf applications because they serve a largely untouched market. This Project's many participants are building a hierarchical interface to help everyone coordinate their efforts to fulfill the client's requirements.

Project Highlights

Brainvire is tasked with developing SAAS-Based software that the corporation, employees, and other industry professionals can use. Our goal is to assist the client in releasing a product that consumers will receive well. This system needs to be designed with the customer in mind, not the investor's portfolio or the specifics of the exchange file.

The Challenges

  • Incomplete Scope
    Due to the complexity of the software needs, we were unable to present a comprehensive scope and quotation to the client.
  • Cumbersome Manual Tasks
    Client had to resort to more time-consuming manual processes since the software they were using was not designed with the 1031 exchange business in mind.
  • Unable to Integrate CRM
    Given the lack of CRM integration in their current software, they had to generate and enter leads manually.
  • No Central Repository System
    Since the client serves consumers across the United States. They have a massive body of real estate industry expertise but need a central repository for it.

Tech Stack

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  • Comprehensive SRS

    A comprehensive SRS and interactive wireframe for the customers before the development process begins.
  • Responsive and User-friendly Solution

    The Client's vision, implemented in an easy-to-use Software.
  • No More Manual Work

    In order to save our customers time and effort, we've decided to integrate our CRM with some shiny new technologies.
  • Better Business Processes

    With the network interface in place, the collaboration between the business, its customers, and the service providers it employs will be facilitated and sustained.

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