
This client deals with retailing all sorts of woodworking tools, including planer knives, different types of tools, spindles, etc. The orders are taken on call and the equipment are delivered to the customers’ doorstep along with the technical support. The service is prevalent across USA and UK.

Project Highlights

Now, since the client already has an offline business module, we had the challenge of taking the business online. So, the magento development experts at Brainvire resorted to Magento, one of the leading e-commerce platforms. We have to ensure that the transition from offline to online business module was smooth for the client. Plus, we used every other technology that promotes online retail businesses.

The Challenges

  • Offline business became hard
    Managing an offline business is quite difficult managing everything manually is a pain.
  • Items won’t run out of stock
    Earlier, the client did not have an online store, which made it hard to manage the inventory of so many stores.
  • Provided recognition
    The client failed to get attention while carrying out everything offline.
  • Better reach
    It is almost certain that offline business does not have better reach. So, even if the client had an extensive service area, it wasn’t very accessible.

Tech Stack

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  • Conversion rates became better

    Since the online store made it easier for the customers to checkout machinery, the conversion rates stood up with the establishment of the Magneto online store.
  • Sales and revenue increased

    With better reach and conversion, the revenue, quite naturally, increased to great heights.
  • Purchase became easier

    Customers can anytime get the details of the products. The user-friendliness even includes putting up shipping details and smooth-working checkout pages.
  • No out-of-stock products

    Since managing the inventories became easier with the Magento platform, it became easier for the client to catch up with diminishing inventory.
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Client Review

Jason chenoweth

Jason chenoweth

IT Manager - Woodford

They're trustworthy and dependable. Because of the team's consistent and reliable honesty, the client is able to trust in their growing relationship with them. I appreciate their responsiveness the most.

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