Top MongoDB Features That Are Often Overlooked

MongoDB, classified as a NoSQL database, offers easy scalability, high performance, and high availability. It bridges the gap between traditional RDBMS systems. The database has relatively drawn massive attention. Thanks to its document-oriented NoSQL features, distributed key-value store, and MapReduce calculation capability. Nevertheless, the MongoDB development has been specifically done for Big Data processing.

The main aim behind the MongoDB development is to preserve as many functionalities as possible. Moreover, this allows horizontal scale and makes the lives of developers much easier and elegant. It's well-suited in conditions such as scaling out, areas and caching where things like high volume traffic have a key role. But, even after knowing the importance of MongoDB, there are points that are often overlooked.

Below mentioned are the points outlined to demonstrate top features of MongoDB development that are often overlooked. Read on.

DevOps is required in MongoDB:

MongoDB is basically a database. Similar to any other data store, this too requires maintenance, capacity planning, monitoring, and tuning. It is easy to install and begin with. It fits the paradigm of the developer more naturally as compared to a relational database. But, this doesn't mean that MongoDB does not require proper feeding and care. Also, just because it runs super-fast doesn't mean you do not need a good indexing strategy, scheme, and right hardware resources in production.

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Successful users prepare for growth and monitor everything:

Tracking capacity planning and current capacity are every database system's essential practices. MongoDB is the same. You must know the amount of work your cluster is capable of sustaining at present and the demands offered during the time of highest use. If you do not notice the increasing load on your servers you will be left with a lack of capacity. You can use MongoDB Management Services to monitor the deployment.

No need to mess with the system:

You need not tinker under the hood. Be very specific. Unless the MongoDB support or documentation asks you to something highly specific, you do not have to worry about messing with admin, system collections, config, or admin databases. There are shell helpers and administrative commands for the functions you will be required to perform. In case, they are not expected, it means something is wrong. In such situation, do not try to pressurize it by directly manipulating internal bits.

Prioritize Replica Set Health:

That's right. Replication lag is important, but replica set health is more important. Replication lag is a measure to indicate the lagging distance between primary and secondary. It is simply one indicator of your replica sets' health. It just as significant as keeping an eye on replication lag meanwhile monitoring the replication oplog window. It represents the total time taken, based on the current traffic, which it will require to roll over the oplog completely.

MongoDB blends seamlessly with various programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby. This seamless blending promises high coding velocity. This is probably why MongoDB development is so popular. But, as you take the platform into consideration do not forget to overlook the above mentioned significant features.

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