Why PHP Leads The Line When It Comes To Web Application Development?

If Facebook were about to be built today, which technology would Mark Zuckerberg and its company would think to back its web application development with?

If the world's biggest social networking site was meant to be built today, which technology would be powering it?

If you have asked the same question a few years back too, the answer would remain the same " PHP.

"PHP would be the first thing to strike in mind when it comes to dynamic web development. After all, it's one of the majorly used platforms for dynamic website development that sends huge chunks of data back and forth from the database without degrading website's performance."

In present days, it's quite hard to name the websites that aren't built on PHP rather than naming the ones that are backed by PHP framework. Facebook, Wikipedia, Wordpress, Tumblr, and Flickr – All these websites are built using PHP and it simply means that PHP app developers have not faced a recession as far as PHP development is concerned.

Released before 21 years, PHP is still one of the most popular server-side scripting languages that is highly in use for dynamic web development and wordpress development service. Evolved through a total of 7 versions, it surpassed its major competitors ASP.NET and slowly shifted from being a procedural language to object-oriented language.

Is PHP The Right Choice For Web Application Development?

PHP is used by 82.9% of all the - websites w3techs.com

As of 2016, PHP powers more than 80% of the websites over the internet with ASP weighing only 15.4%. Other popular alternatives to PHP includes Ruby, Perl, Python, and JavaScript. The value of PHP is not up for debate. Not only it is a widely recognized server-side scripting language, but it is most popular by a fairly wide margin.

The above image shows the involvement of PHP in development of websites and web applications.

So, are you going to begin your next web application development project?

Are you getting confused about choosing best PHP framework?

Want to know secrets of all the frameworks before choosing the one?

Don't panic more. Scroll down a little and find out which framework is best-suited for your business according to Google trends.

Why Is PHP Gaining Popularity?

Using PHP, one can build superior, rich and dynamic websites and web applications. Let's have a look at some of its peculiarities that make it highly recognized for web development.

1. Simplicity:

Quite similar to languages like Perl and C, PHP is quite easy to learn and implement.

2. Open source:

Being an open-source language, PHP is totally free and easy-to-use solution that have attracted the attention of the majority businesses and enterprises worldwide to build feature-rich, dynamic and highly interactive web applications.

3. Cross-platform:

Leveraging excellent performance on platforms like UNIX, LINUX, and Windows platforms and with database interfaces like Apache, MySQL, and MongoDB, developing cross-browser applications is quite easy with PHP.

4. Advanced Usability:

When it comes to the development of a robust, scalable, user-friendly and appealing website, PHP offers a myriad number of advanced features. Its script helps business to keep a track of targeted visitor activities in a continuous manner.

Some of the Leading Brands Are Empowering Their Business with PHP

Facebook.com - One of the largest social networking site with 2 billion monthly active users.

Wikipedia.org - One of the biggest free online encyclopedia created and maintained by volunteers globally.

Aliexpress.com - One of the China's leading e-commerce marketplace for online shopping.

Closing Thoughts: PHP Is Not Dead!

Yes! It's still alive and is one of the preferable choices for developers and enterprise to build a dynamic and scalable solution. Its customized extensions, highly rich features and cross-compatibility makes it a prevalent choice for developers.

So, if you are looking to hire PHP developers in affordable price model, Brainvire is the best address. Contact us now to discuss your requirements.

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