Is WordPress The Perfect CMS For My Business?

Is Wordpress development the best alternative for content/blog/website or any other business?

Well, that's a too big question to answer. The answer depends on a couple of things like:

1. What are your business requirements?

2. How much amount can you spend in the development of a website?

3. Your ultimate timeline for website development?

Apart from this, there is a lot of misunderstanding being prevailing for WordPress in the market. Many people believe that WordPress websites are easily hacked and demands lots of maintenance. Well, as per numerous sources, WordPress powers almost 30% of the sites on the internet and no platform can get such a huge market share by acting crap. The below chart shows the existing prevalence of Wordpress as compared to other CMS.

Whether it's the best platform or not is another thing but, whether it's cost-effective and efficient is something that can be easily answered. If you are looking for a lot of customized options then WordPress development services would be the best question. Companies like Facebook, Disney make use of Wordpress as the development platform. There are a bunch of things you can do with Wordpress. Let's find out how WordPress can help your business to drive more revenue.

What Makes Wordpress CMS the Right Choice for Your Business?

1. Abundant Themes:

Wordpress professional-looking themes are one of the best reasons that make people fall for them. These themes enable you to have a professionally designed website and thereby reduces the huge amount of your expense of hiring a WordPress theme developer. You can find the best collection of 2000+ free themes on the WordPress theme directory.

2. Search Engine Friendly:

Apart from the theme, Wordpress comes with inbuilt SEO feature that takes care of tons of SEO issues. A unique content you provide, the higher your visibility would highlight in the eyes of the various search engine like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

3. Responsive and Browser Compatible:

Are you facing compatibility issue? Planning to develop two different websites for desktop and mobile? Then hold one. Wordpress is the perfect solution to meet your requirements. Wordpress themes are highly responsive in nature- It means, it will hold its original layout and would adjust itself as per screen size.

Apart from that, all the WordPress themes are compatible with the latest browser configurations and render the same layout across multiple options like Mozilla, Firefox, Chrome and much more.

4. Secure and Reliable:

Wordpress understands the importance of confidentiality and security and how it plays an important role in business and organization and so it releases updated security patches every regular interval to save your website with various security breaches and vulnerabilities with the changing technology.

5. Plugins:

Plugins are like backbone with the help you to broaden your website scope and features. You can even customize your own plugin as per your business needs and requirements. Currently, the Wordpress community holds 50K+ different plugins and the number still continues to add up in the loop.

Wordpress is a powerful platform to design robust, secure and scalable websites. If you have ever noticed, 50-55% of the customers will wait for not more than 4 seconds to abandon their cart. You need to take speed into account as if you have an amazing set of scrolling images but if your website is slow as a snail, it won't work. Considering all these aspects, Wordpress is the ultimate solution to overcome such problems. Now the question arises

Is Wordpress Cost-Effective? How Much A Wordpress Website Will Costs You?

Well, Wordpress is a cost-effective platform but still, the cost depends on the features and functionalities you want to incorporate.

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Over to You:

Choosing the best CMS Is a tough task. You need to evaluate multiple things and dozens of options and pick something that fits your business goals & objectives, cost, complexity, and ease of use. Hope this article will help you with Wordpress.

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