WPF – Best technology That enhances UI and UX in ASP.NET Apps

Since its invention, ASP.NET has been doing wonders. With the constant advancement, it has been lending a helping hand to developers and businesses in building excellent websites and applications. The field of ASP.NET web development is constantly evolving in market and release a new tool or technology that facilitates faster and better web development. One of those spontaneous technologies released with an invention of better website and web app development was WPF.

WPF- What is it?

WPF stands for Windows Presentation Foundation. It is a user interface framework, introduced by Microsoft first as a part of .Net 3.0 to build Windows client apps with amazing user experience.

Technical Benefits of WPF:

-> United platform- All-in-one technology

Earlier, programmers used to opt for different technologies to design UI for different things like forms, controls, documents, Adobe PDF, images, 2D graphics, video, audio and 3D graphics. However, WPF provides you single solution that can help you design all the above mentioned areas. Also, it makes the programming easier, faster and cost effective, as developers will have to learn only one technology.

-> Vector graphic system - Device independent UI

WPF relies on vector graphics, and not on raster graphics. The best thing about which is that, it lets an image to get resized as per screen of any resolution to fit in right onto any screen it is displayed on, making the user interface device independent. There is no need to get separate images for small sized monitor screen and large sized television screen; without loss of quality; how amazing is that!

-> Reusable templates - Lesser development time

The best thing about WPF is that, it makes it really easier for developers to make reusable elements for the user interface, which ultimately saves the development time. There are two types of reusable templates in WPF - control template and data template; both of them are used to manage control and data respectively.

-> Advanced styling capabilities - Beautiful interface

If you want to make your asp.net app look pretty, WPF is the right choice. You can change the color and styles; it lets you customize the controls like CSS and HTML. However, WPF styles are richer as compared to CSS.

-> Animation - Enhanced user experience

Animation is far more useful than what you are thinking, as most properties in WPF can be animated. Animations can be integrated with styles and templates and all the designers and Flash developers are extremely happy with its features.

Why businesses should choose WPF?

As business owners are getting aware of the above mentioned benefits of WPF, they are getting more inclined towards it; especially the ones who want more features in their web app. As more businesses are choosing WPF Development Services for UI design, they are getting an attractive look and rich user experience for their web application. So, if you want to excellent look and feel for your app and want to beat the competition to top the charts, you should choose WPF as your UI design platform too.

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