Brainvire Make A Start On Powerful Node.JS And Angular.JS App Development

Brainvire is proud to announce that they had embarked on Node.JS and Angular.JS app development journey.

27th June, 2016.
Brainvire - the IT solution development company continuously pushing the pace of technology adoption to create a major breakthrough in mobile and web app development.

To continue the trend, the company has adopted the hottest frameworks- Node.JS and Angular.JS to build most interactive and robust applications. Brainvire’s node js development services and Angular.JS development frameworks are available widely for the customers who are looking for the accelerated development of web and mobile apps due to MVC architecture.

Node.JS and Angular.JS- the strong pillars of today’s scalable and high performance applications.

Node.JS, the revolutionary framework is built on the top of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. Its adoption has doubled the last year because of its event driven architecture, universal coding, cross-browser compatibility, built-in core modules and code reusability. The traditional JavaScript is leveraged to engineer arsenal apps such as chat application, Ecommerce, real-time gaming and data streaming apps at the back-end of the server. The high efficiency and maximum throughput has made Node.JS, the first preference for small businesses to leading giants.

Angular.JS- the JavaScript framework is highly used to create single page applications and enable MVC components creation at the client side. The support for MVC pattern with two-way data-binding simplify the programming, and app is get developed in less time and efforts.

Breathe new life into businesses with Node.JS and Angular.JS

The proven success of Node.JS and Angular.JS in varied app development like- mobile, web, service integration, IoT, robotics and other technology areas led Brainvire to take the next logical step of adopting the technology.

“Both frameworks- Node.JS and Angular.JS are the future of best-in-class applications. The technologies are packed with incredible tooling and its fast adoption is signaling that soon it will become center of the businesses. We are proud to offer Node.JS and Angular.JS services to the businesses, which need applications that scale and evolve alongside technology ecosystem, “said Mr. Chintan Shah, CEO of Brainvire.

Bringing the frameworks’ huge benefits to the businesses and the Node.JS community as a whole, is what that has made Brainvire to get the Node.JS and AngularJs development Services ball roll over.

About Brainvire

Brainvire excels in engineering groundbreaking software, mobile, web and Ecommerce applications leveraging world-class technologies, tools and methodologies. The company tops the chart when it comes to driving success to the businesses by experimenting with new technologies. Using Node.JS and Angular.JS in app development is the part of it to create a profound impact on the businesses and let them grow, outperform and outpace the top honchos.

Industry Tags:

  • Engagement

Subject Tags:

  • Full stack development
  • MEAN Stack

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