
The client is the US citizen and one of the topmost gamer of Clash of Clans game. In the past, he has commenced multiple gaming tournaments and achieved a top rank in the leaderboards. He is the active member of the community as well. Due to constantly facing issues of communication in the game, he approached Brainvire to shape up his innovative idea into IT solution to serve the Clash of Clan gaming community.

Project Highlights

The product is an exclusively developed community portal accessible to only the Clash Of Clans members.The portal member is provided an access to view & track own as well as other members’ progress. The various features such as all kinds of statistics, achievements, war logs and leaderboard scores are now handy at one click only. Moreover, the members are given special privilege to develop their own war mapping strategy and tactics discussion about the clan within the portal. With the help of following features, players can prepare for the war-

The Challenges

  • Development of war mapping strategies
    A player should be able to plan out and develop war mapping strategies in order to defeat the opponent. The player should be in a position to determine what levels need to be crossed to reach opponent’s place and what needs to be procured and prepared.
  • The complexity of War Matching Algorithm
    The algorithm involves a lot of complexities when it comes to understanding it. Plus, implementation wise also, quite big and numerous difficulties came up during the project.
  • First time exposure to in-depth Supercell API
    Again, Supercell API is also a complex one and requires a thorough knowledge of the API. Any request requires a JSON token and the responses also come in a JSON format only. The API is a beta release and its documentation is accessible for few registered users only.
  • Faster communication with API
    The integration with API was successfully established, but it was causing troubles in terms of speed. It was bit slower.

Tech Stack

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  • Unique and feature-rich Chat Conversation

    More than 10,000 persons purchased various subscription plans from the client
  • Improved Data Accessibility

    Overall accessibility for all kinds of data is improved significantly
  • Offline & Online Data Access

    API data can be accessed from both online and offline
  • Robust Synchronization With API

    Successful synchronization with API to fetch clan member data

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