Few Good Reasons for Why you Need Web APIs for ASP.NET Application Development

Whether you want to build a website or web application, why web API is mandatory.

So, what actually is an API and when do you require it?

API, Application Programming Interface resembles the online web services that are used by the apps at the client-side to retrieve and update information. An API would hold on to a central logic of an application irrespective of the number of client apps utilizing it.

In order to better understand this, let us consider an example, where there are a number of mobile apps supported by different platforms and a web app. If there is no centralized web API, then each client app will have its own embedded business logic which would enable it to connect directly to the database in order to retrieve, update and manipulate the data. Hence, implementing any change to the client apps will be a complex process as each of the apps would be required to maintain in sync with each other. Moreover, in case of any update, it would be required to make changes to each and every app individually. Hence, this requires more effort, takes more time and costs, and can also result in a lot of bugs or errors in the application.

So, a better way is to use a central API to get, update, or change the data. It will be easy to maintain the apps and it would be required to make changes only in one place.

In the case of ASP.NET, a web API is an easy way to implement RESTful web services using the .NET framework. The RESTful web services are those that use HTTP as the underlying method for communication. An ASP.NET web API is basically defined as a framework that enables the development of HTTP services to reach out to client entities like browsers, devices, or tablets. ASP.NET Web API can be used with MVC for any type of application. Hence, .NET web APIs are very important for ASP.NET web application development.

So, what are the benefits of using Web API in ASP.NET applications?

Whatever be the type of ASP.Net website you opt to develop whether MVC or WebForms website, AJAX is required. A web API can help you develop an ASP.NET application via AJAX. Using a web API framework, one can easily create services that can run on various entities. Hence, web API makes it easier for developers to build an ASP.NET application that is compatible with any browser and almost any device. With Web API, you get access to entire features of HTTP like URIs, request/response headers, content formatting, caching, etc., and hence, as compared to WCF rest services (which require defining extra config settings for different devices), it is much easier to develop ASP.NET web applications using RESTful web services through Web APIs.

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Reasons to Use ASP.NET Web API in ASP.NET Web Application Development
Back End for Native Mobile Applications:

If you are looking for a back end to develop native applications for mobile devices that do not support SOAP, ASP.NET Web API can serve your purpose. Almost any native application running on a mobile device other than the Windows one can use ASP.NET Web API as backend. Hence, a web API is good for using with native applications which require web services but not SOAP support.

Develop AJAX-based Web Applications:

ASP.NET web API is an ideal choice for the development of client web applications that heavily rely on AJAX and do not require extensive configuration settings like WCF REST services.

Light Weight and Easy Creation of Services:

The Web API supports a light architecture powering HTTP services to reach a broader range of clients. As compared to WCF, it is much easier and quicker to create services using ASP.NET Web API.

Hence, Web APIs can be helpful in various significant ways in web application development especially when it is an ASP.NET web application.

So, are you looking for ASP.NET Core web application development based on Web API technology, then look out for experts to help you. At Brainvire, we have experienced .NET developers who rich experience in ASP.NET application development using the latest technologies and tools. Approach us for a free quote and more details about our services.

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