How does PHP 7 have an impact on Magento Development?

PHP is considered to be a favorite programming language of the modern age web developers and remains to be the topic of debate for many. While few researchers or analysts claim for 50% of the websites to be developed using this platform in this modern age, many of them reveal the facts that nearly 80% of the new age ecommerce websites are based on the PHP technology irrespective of what is the underlying framework used. Whatever be the percentage of the websites developed on the PHP platforms, one thing is for sure that PHP has gained significant importance and reliability with time for the building flawless websites. Today its PHP 7 web development that is on the minds of all the PHP developers because of its invaluable features and support for high performing website and web applications development.

Yes, after PHP 5.6.x, it’s now PHP 7. Wonder why? Actually according to the insights the sixth version was said to be only the test version which never reached the final deployment or release stage. It was not developed for production purpose and hence, in order to avoid confusion being created between the sixth and new upcoming version, the developers named it PHP 7.

PHP in this latest version has got a complete reformation with ability to power websites with several magnificent features. Right from simple websites to cloud applications, this platform has got everything at its best to support every web development requirement. Many popular CMS systems rely on this platform like WordPress development, Drupal, Magento etc. However, its Magento CMS framework that seems to be reaping the maximum benefits from all the new features of this latest PHP version.

Magento web development is predicted to be lot easier and faster with PHP 7 which is said to give two times faster performance to the web applications than its early version. Many Magento developers are looking to encapsulate this seventh version in their work in order to make use of its best features like accurate type declarations, null coalescing operators and better error handling. For the applications that have a security concerns as their topmost priority PHP development services provides the best platform to remain safe from undesired bugs and security breaches.

PHP 7 has been successful to bag on all the attention from the Magento developers in spite of the fact it is not compatible with the widely used version of Magento. This is because it can easily patched for compatibility and hence, allows for advanced web development with Magento. With PHP 7, one can easily make their online store built on Magento 1 to work faster with all the things such as MySQL, OpCache setup, hardware being the same. Even the worst of the scenarios can be improved with the help of this new platform. It works on completely new and a higher level allowing the Magento experts to work out a really good and a faster Magento store.

Brainvire Infotech is a leading web development company offering excellent services for PHP 7 web development including websites and web applications development. The company offers reliable web & Magento development services for creation of dynamic business websites and provides ecommerce web development with Magento for building of faster ecommerce stores. Visit the website for more details.

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