Important Things You Can Do With PHP

PHP development has become one of the widely recognized and accepted web development platform. The businesses may be small, medium or large use PHP as a preferred language. The PHP Development India suggests PHP as it is open-source, easy-to-use, free and saves lot of time. The web development has been definitely revolutionized by PHP in terms of flexibility, scalability, ease of programming and lower cost of development.

So, what can you do with PHP? Here are some of the useful things you can try using PHP for your website. Let’s check it out.
Send email from a form
With PHP, you can easily send email from a form on your website. Giving users this flexibility of getting in touch with you will definitely cut down on spam that you might receive from directly placing an email link on your site. Also, the user can choose the fields he or she wants to fill in. This will help you to get the required information in the email.
Member login
PHP lets you create a special area on your website for members. You can allow your users to register and fill-in the details and then use the registration information to login to your website. You can store all the information in MYSQL database with encrypted passwords.
Count visitors
You can count on the number of potential visitors visiting your site. Make use of PHP to create a page hit counter. To develop a simple counter, you don’t need a database, you can just do it with PHP using flat files.
Rotating banners
If you wish to host banner advertisements on your site, you can make use of PHP to rotate them randomly. Also, you can apply this same principal to add things like a rotating page header, random quotes etc.
Create calendar
With PHP, you can build a calendar for the month and also generate a calendar around a specific date. A calendar can be used by anyone or can be incorporated into other scripts where dates are crucial.
Last Visited
You can easily inform your users the last time they visited your site. PHP does this by storing a cookie in the user’s browser. So, when they visit you again, you can read the cookie and remind them that the last time they visited was three weeks ago.
Redirect users
If you wish to redirect a user from an old page that no longer exists to a new page on your website, PHP can be used to redirect users.
Host a web forum
PHP is one of the most recognized and popular language worldwide. You can use PHP to create a web forum. You can use your existing forum or you can easily modify it as per your needs.
Add a poll
You can let your visitors allow to take part in a poll using PHP. You can also display the results of your poll visually instead of just listing the results in text.
To sum up, PHP development is indeed a good choice to build robust and secure websites or web applications. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today for PHP Development Services…!

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