Mobile App MVVM Pattern Implementation Using AngularJS

AngularJS, the JavaScript framework, is one of the best sources of development for the mobile app developers. Developed by Google, this is one of the most reliable platforms for developing mobile apps because with a name like Google, one is sure to deal with efficient and reliable code for developing scalable projects. Just like JavaScriptMVC, Angular is self-contained and considered to be a complete solution for front-end development. This is because with angular, a developer would not require any other plug-ins or frameworks to support their data-driven web or mobile application development process. AngularJS mobile development revolves around the implementation of MVVM design pattern and this article describes of how actually this is done.

Actually AngularJS is considered to encapsulate the MVC or Model View Controller pattern for efficient development of mobile applications within minimum possible time. In this design pattern, model represents the data, while the view is the representation of this data and the controller is the mediator between the two. Consider one makes a change in view then this is not updated in the model in the MVC pattern. But with AngularJS, there comes a feature called two way data binding in which if something is changed or updated in model it happens the same even in the view and vice versa. Hence, in the real sense, Angular may be considered to follow the MVVM pattern and this is what is actually implemented by the mobile app developers trying their hands on AngularJS mobile development.

MVVM structure is the basic foundation for development of mobile applications or the so-called angular mobile development. MVVM stands for Model-View ViewModel where controller of MVC model is replaced by ViewModel entity. View represents the structure definition, layout or appearance of the application to be developed. Hence, it deals with only HTML developments. HTML is used for designing an interface in Angular framework rather than JavaScript. No business logic is defined here.

On the other hand the model is the data used in the application, the JavaScript object which automatically gets updated with respect to changes in UI. It is possible to add or change the properties as required during the app development directly on it without requiring any loop over objects or arrays. There is no requirement of getter or setter functions for fetching or updating the data in the data model.

ViewModel is the intermediary entity which helps in maintaining specific views. It is the entity where actually the commands are implemented, the commands that are generated by users through the views. It uses the $scope JavaScript object to detect and reflect changes. View model is responsible for retrieving data from model and this is done by invoking methods in model classes. Model can report back to the ViewModel by using defined events.

MVVM pattern implementation promotes better developer-designer workflow and hence, offers good benefits for both developers and designers of the mobile application being developed.

With this implementation, designers and developers can concentrate on their work independently and concurrently with the requirements. While developers focus on the model and view model phases, designers are responsible for designing the interface or the view of the application. Hence, there are no interdependencies or confusion with coding or design part. Changes to UI of the app can be done without having to interfere with the coding while developers can create unit tests for the VM and model without having to worry about or use the view.

So, AngularJS MVVM implementation is one of the best ways to develop efficient and highly scalable mobile apps within reduced span of time.

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