
The client is a prominent publishing house and has multiple websites for their different magazines. They run a family-publishing business and aim to share interesting and entertaining stories. The client prefers to offer place-centric and niche quality content to their customers. They also aim to create a family-friendly workplace that allows personal as well as professional excellence.

Project Highlights

Brainvire’s team developed a Magento website with a multi-website architecture to suffice the client’s need of a uniform website. This new website helped the client to streamline their eCommerce and informative aspects. Customers can create a single login account, subscribe, and utilize the platform.

The Challenges

  • Single Login
    The client had customers using multiple accounts for their different websites. This was turning out to be inconvenient for the client.
  • Data Migration
    The client didn’t wish to lose its vast content on the website. They requested the team to retain the content of the old website.
  • Notify Magazine Articles
    The client wanted to give a glimpse of the latest articles through this portal.
  • Enable Cross-Selling
    The client struggled to make optimal use of multiple websites.

Tech Stack

  • Tech stack related technology logos

    Magento Enterprise

  • Tech stack related technology logos

    Amazon Web Server

  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos



  • Single credential

    Customers can now use a single set of credentials and gain access to the client’s multiple websites.
  • Admin access

    The admin has complete access to create magazines, share articles, and also articles that are to be sold separately.
  • Uniform platform

    Earlier the client had multiple websites. This platform offered a single medium to the client to reach their customers conveniently.
  • Complimentary gifts

    The client can now offer complimentary gifts to their regular customers. They can share or gift one product along with the other one.

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