
The client is an industry-leading food and spices distributor with a dedicated customer base. They provide their clients with goods of an exceptionally high standard. They sought an automated system to share real-time updates with their vast customer portfolio and product selection.

Project Highlights

As Odoo partners, we provided a centralized system to the brand. With this system, they can concentrate on inventory, sales, purchases, and invoicing to improve tracking and order management. Our customized features encouraged them to provide tailored sales quotations, delivery automation, currency, and product management. All these advancements led them to a better position as a brand and unleashed new growth opportunities.

The Challenges

  • Quantity And Sales Analysis In Percentage:
    The brand wanted a real-time analysis of product quantities and order updates.
  • Automated Delivery Workflow:
    The client wanted a smooth delivery process to manage their hundreds of orders.
  • Customized Sales And Accounting Dashboard:
    The brand faced several challenges in comprehending and managing data for several departments.
  • Import And Export Product Image In Odoo V13:
    The client wanted to add product images to its existing Odoo version 13.

Tech Stack

  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos

    Azure cloud

  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos

    Azure DevOps


  • Better Visibility:

    The percentile description of the order and sales quantities provided clear visibility to the brand.
  • Paperless Operations:

    The brand no longer has to generate a physical invoice to get the customer’s signature. Instead, the delivery person can take the customer sign on the Odoo mobile app.
  • Robust Barcode Module:

    We have leveraged the barcode functionality that allows the delivery person and internal team to track the product and evaluate its details. Besides, they cannot edit the quantities manually.
  • Currency Conversion In Invoice:

    The invoice will reflect all currency conversion parameters to customers for a better understanding of finances.
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