About Project

The increasing size and the continuous new hiring demanded an improved system to ease and fasten the hiring processes. Therefore, the renowned entertainment and news publishing platform company wanted a new HRMS system to provide salary prediction based on the previous compensations to enable hiring teams to decide the fair compensation and hire the right valuable resources. The team uploaded and stored a large pool of the company’s previous employees’ data. The machine learning implementation in the product utilized the data to predict the approximate salary the employee should offer. The large pool of data helped ensure result accuracy.
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Brainers decided to build an HRMS system that would ease the hiring process by predicting the fair salary that should be offered based on the candidate’s experience level and skills. They integrated machine learning and uploaded a large pool of previous employees’ data into the system. The system used the data to predict fair salaries based on the role and candidate experience. It assisted the hiring teams to simplify and accelerate the hiring process and hire the right talent for the company.


The HR Flow Prediction project proved to be a success. It reduced the hiring time and assisted HR teams in making correct and fast decisions and hiring the right resources for the organization. Brainers put in the same effort in their clients and internal projects. This project communicates the team’s dedication to delivering the best solutions.
Case Study


Authentication and Security: User authentication and authorization help maintain compliance with data protection regulations.

Machine Learning Models: Machine learning models helped HRs gain insights into appropriate salary levels based on their experience.

User-Friendly Interfaces: User-friendly interfaces improved communication, empowering HRs with actionable insights.

Prediction Accuracy: Improved machine learning model accuracy and reduced bias made salary predictions and hiring time estimates more reliable.

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