About Project

Arete is a USA based company that is associated with energy industry offering business technical consulting and solutions. With 30+ years of experience in serving clients with world-class technology and engineering solutions, Arete standout as one of the best result oriented consulting company.
  • Web

  • MEAN Stack, SAAS Based Platforms, Risk Assessment



"Using The app a user can perform a risk assessment on various projects. Users will be able to analyze risk on a particular project. Risk Analysis is a simple yet effective technique to connect the risk information of project activities to the baseline schedule, in order to provide sensitive information of individual project activities to assess the potential impact of uncertainty on the final duration and cost."


Risk Assessment: Using template, user can perform risk assessment on various projects. User will be able to analyze risk on particular project. Schedule Risk Analysis: SRA is a simple yet effective technique to connect the risk information of project activities to the baseline schedule, in order to provide sensitivity information of individual project activities to assess the potential impact of uncertainty on the final project duration and cost. Reports & Statistics: User will be able to generate various reports such as Assessment, Project & Template analyze data using Heat map, Risk tree, Histogram, Pie chart, Bar diagram etc. and various statistics on designated dashboard. Scalable to SaaS: This versatile risk management module maintains optimal performance levels to be used as SaaS- Software-as- a-Service’ in nearer future
Case Study


It allows users to create risk templates, perform risk assessments, calculate results to for statistical analysis & perform project risk simulations.

Schedule Risk Analysis (SRA) is a technique used to assess the potential impact of uncertainty on the final project duration and cost.

Role-based access control to access the functionalities based on the roles of the authorized users within an organization.

User will be able to dynamically create new risk templates, edit and customized according to need.

Tech Stack

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    CSS 3

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    Express JS

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Client Review

Jaikumar Pettikkattil

Jaikumar Pettikkattil

Electrical Engineer - Arete

The initial phase of development is almost complete and has led to additional projects. Brainvire Infotech was responsive to all questions and made steady progress due to a talented development team and stable project management.

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