
The client was keen to make life simpler for their customers who buy the hearing aid device from them. They approached Brainvire to develop an app that can connect to the device and operate it from the app.

Project Highlights

Our Brainers developed an online sound hearing management app. This app will enable users to control their hearing aids according to their surroundings by using an app that will provide step-by-step instructions. Users should be able to evaluate their hearing ability using this frequency hearing test, which simultaneously evaluates hearing in both ears (left and right). Additionally, the integration of WhatsApp contributed to improved connectivity and boosted the overall user experience. Some features that can operate through the app include the ability to modify the volume, change the mode, examine the state of the battery, alter the noise reduction, carry out a hearing test, and obtain the summary.

The Challenges

  • Multi-Device Connectivity:
    Every user has a different device, so the client wanted a mobile app connecting with single and dual earpieces efficiently.
  • Auto Pair Devices:
    The client wanted to offer seamless connectivity to the users.
  • Set Different Tone Frequencies:
    Every user listens at different sound wavelengths. This makes it essential to adjust different frequencies in one app.
  • Improved Audio Compatibility In The Hearing Aid Device:
    Every user needs an audio file at different frequencies. Hence, it is essential to ensure that the hearing device is compatible with all frequencies.

Tech Stack

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    Azure cloud

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    AWS Lambda


  • Single And Dual Device

    Enhanced user convenience in identifying hearing loss by connecting single or dual devices, enabling the client to reach potential customers faster and effectively.
  • Swift Bluetooth Connectivity

    Experience uninterrupted hearing with robust Bluetooth connectivity and the option of wired or wireless connections. View audiogram graphs and results, and easily share hearing test results with an audiologist.
  • Generate Audiogram

    The app plays tones to measure DB for both ears, constructs audiograms, displays DBs at different frequencies. The new onboarding design includes animation for product overview.
  • Audio Tests

    Brainers conduct audio tests for tone, frequency, and audio compatibility. Integration of the Shoebox Fitting SDK enables the programming of Hearing Aid devices based on the user's hearing loss data.
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