Mobile Application Connects Stock Brokers with the Latest Investment Updates

Mobile Application Connects Stock Brokers with the Latest Investment Updates

Tech Stack

  • AI/ML
  • AWS
  • Firebase
  • MySQL
  • React Native

About Client

The client is a forerunner in the finance industry. They wanted stockbrokers to stay tuned with the latest information on stocks, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, and other investments. Hence, they wanted an advanced solution in the form of a mobile application to communicate and share this data with other brokers, friends, and family members. Thus, Brainvire has launched this wealth management app for the client.

About Product

Our team of tech experts developed a cutting-edge mobile application for stockbrokers. We considered the fact that this industry is quite dynamic and designed our product accordingly, introducing robust connectivity features with just one click where you can share or communicate all market views in seconds from anywhere on your phone! In addition, our innovative app offers personalized account setup pages that give traders complete control over what information they want available at any time - be it portfolio tracking tools like alerts & notifications and real-time pricing updates via push notification service.
Product Banner

The Challenges

Set-Up an Open Forum:

The client wanted an interactive platform, and hence our team suggested the inclusion of an open forum in the application.

Set-Up an Open Forum:
We used AI/ML capabilities in the mobile application to voice their opinions, discuss hobbies, and rally together for a cause. In addition, this feature allows users to talk about similar interests.


The Challenges

Set-Up an Open Forum:
The client wanted an interactive platform, and hence our team suggested the inclusion of an open forum in the application.

We used AI/ML capabilities in the mobile application to voice their opinions, discuss hobbies, and rally together for a cause. In addition, this feature allows users to talk about similar interests.

Set-Up an Open Forum:


  • 80K+ Community Shares
    This open platform led to 80k+ community shares, stock tips, and interests.
  • Use of AI/ML Algorithm
    The use of AI/ML algorithms facilitated users with the content of their interest and research.
  • Interactive Application
    It has been observed that 10K users post daily on this application. This interactive application allows users to connect from anywhere and at any time.
  • Quick Communication
    This cutting-edge mobile application enables all stockbrokers, their friends, and their families to stay informed.

Product Screens

Client Testimonials

Patricia Walters
quote icon
They help us coordinate the right skill sets, teams, and activities in order to get the job done. They transferred our platform assets, such as our servers, workstations, and databases, into their managed cloud services environment.
Patricia Walters
Founder and CEO - Creative LLC
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224 Reviews

They handle all their work with a personal touch, which encourages a continued long-term partnership. Their deliverable are reliable thanks to vigorous QA testing. I would recommend Brainvire to anyone.

Mike Luhtanen
Founder, Creative LLC
4 years ago