Technological Advantages Developers Can Leverage From Symfony Development

You all might be aware about the current trend of using a wide range of frameworks to build web applications, and when we talk about frameworks how can we forget about the much talked about PHP framework – “Symfony”. Recently, a month back its latest version Symfony 2.3.3 has been launched, which shows how rapidly it is gaining momentum and becoming popular among the developers as well as the users.
Whether you talk about Symfony, Symfony 2 or the latest version Symfony 2.3.3, all of them brings a whole host benefit for the end users, but very rare of you might be knowing about the technical benefits it brings to the developers. Developing web applications is not at all a kid’s toy! Developers have to spend a lot of time and efforts behind a successful and functional web application.
As Compared to laravel developers, Being a developer you would always prefer to work with the framework that simplifies your life, and Symfony 2.x helps you achieve that on the go! Apart from all these, it brings a whole host of technical benefits from the developer’s point of view, which we’re going to cover in this article. Here’re the technical benefits that you can leverage from a professional Symfony2 development company:

Faster and not so “Greedy”

In today’s fiercely competitive IT (Information Technology) world, businesses and people have become more concerned about the performance of an application they are getting developed with the help of the Symfony2 development company. They continue to focus on this aspect starting from the project to the end of the projects as they are well-aware about the fact that performance optimization is not at all an easy task to deal with.
Symfony2 has been designed to be fast and to favor performance. Moreover, Symfony2 is about 3 times faster than its earlier version Symfony 1.4 and Zend Framework 1.10 while consuming less memory.

Ample flexibility

No matter what you want, Symfony2 will be adaptable. Its dependency injector and the Event Dispatcher make it easily configurable while having each of the bricks fully independent. It is a framework with full stack, which means you can develop a complicated application with the tons of functionalities. It is “Brick-to-Brick”, which means you can build our framework accordingly to the functionalities that you will require.
It is a Microframework, which at as a standalone. It can be easily used to build a specific functionality in any of your projects. Without redeveloping anything and without installing the entire framework. Moreover, Symfony is distributed under the open source MIT license, which never impose constraints and allows the development of the open source as well as proprietary applications.

Ease of scaling the application

Starting from a smaller brick to the core itself, you will find everything presented in the form of a Bundle in Symfony2. Each of the bundle is designed to add functionality to the framework, which can be further reused in the future projects or shared with the community of the developers. It allows developers to change almost everything within Symfony, such as the core itself.

Sustainable and stable

All the Symfony development versions are supported by the firm till the next 3 years, and even for a lifetime when it comes to security related issues. For more stability, the minor versions of Symfony2’s contract and interface are also guaranteed and compatibility between all minor versions will be ensured on the API defined by the public interfaces.
Apart from all these, Symfony brings a whole host of benefits for the developers, which will simply the development process. Do you have more things to share? Looking for Symfony development services? Get in touch with us now…!

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