
The client is a premier telehealth service provider. It even serves customers with cost-effective health insurance plans and healthcare discount plans. The client’s business aims to ensure better health to the patients even without a doctor’s presence. It is partnered with 40 leading companies to serve 28 million consumers in the USA with substantial services and discounts.

Project Highlights

The client partnered with Brainvire to develop a bilingual mobile application that can make direct but virtual communication with the doctors over voice calls or video calls. Even in the absence of doctors, this app can provide the best telehealth solution to the patients. From assessing the health to publishing health-related articles, doctors can use this application to serve their patients online.

The Challenges

  • Emergency Solution
    The client wanted to develop a mobile application to serve the patients in case of an emergency.
  • Serve all smartphone users
    The client demanded an application that fits all, to avoid the need for a laptop or desktop.
  • Assess illness
    Even after having a telehealth solution, due to improper interaction between doctors and patients, there arises a problem.
  • Bilingual communication
    The client demanded to ease out the communication system between doctors and patients.

Tech Stack

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  • Tech stack related technology logos


  • Tech stack related technology logos


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    Amazon Web Server


  • Language no barrier

    The bilingual application ensures better communication between doctors and patients.
  • Round the clock service

    The application provides the best possible telehealth services to the patients any time, anywhere.
  • Perfect treatment

    Doctors can assess the health condition before prescribing any medicine.
  • Educate patients

    Regularly published healthcare articles motivate and educate the patients.
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Client Review

Rajeev Potluri

Rajeev Potluri

Director - Uniconsulta

Low-cost development structures and prompt turnaround times continue to facilitate optimal conditions for market launches. Brainvire allocates resources when needed to maintain efficiency, but their service could benefit from more support and availability during U.S. business hours.

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