A US-based Home Decor Store Transforms into an Advanced Web Platform

A US-based Home Decor Store Transforms into an Advanced Web Platform

Tech Stack

  • Bootstrap
  • CodeIgniter
  • MySQL
  • Windows

About Client

Our client is a North American home decor store that helps customers to customize their bedding. On their website, users can turn their likely product image into a one-of-a-kind personalized home decor product such as bedding, murals, rugs, photo blankets, and plenty more. Its mission is to create a consumer-friendly marketing website to have a great customer experience while selecting its home decor and bedding offerings.

About Product

Brainvire web development specialists have built a user-friendly web solution for home decor services with an improved user interface. Our team has created a website with the help of the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) to improve the usability and efficiency of home decoration filters online.
Product Banner

The Challenges

Build a Personalized Online Retailer Website:

They aspired to be an online store of personalized bedding and photo gifts that allowed users to transform their photographs or digital images into awesome bedding, photo sheets, pillows, dog beds, and wallpaper.

Build a Personalized Online Retailer Website:
Our experts created an immersive website that allows customers to upload images, select borders, blanket colors, and even add personal text.


The Challenges

Build a Personalized Online Retailer Website:
They aspired to be an online store of personalized bedding and photo gifts that allowed users to transform their photographs or digital images into awesome bedding, photo sheets, pillows, dog beds, and wallpaper.

Our experts created an immersive website that allows customers to upload images, select borders, blanket colors, and even add personal text.

Build a Personalized Online Retailer Website:


  • Scalability
    We developed their website with LAMP stack growth so that it could increase in scale according to their needs and be more user-friendly and adaptive.
  • Customization
    Our specialists tailored the website to the user's preferences. Customization has never been a challenge with the LAMP stacks, so it was built in a short amount of time. As a result, the website expands the reach of DIY home design by encouraging consumers to make fully personalized bedroom furniture, murals, pillows, and more using images they upload.
  • Independent Platform
    We used a variety of operating systems (OS) and architectures, such as Windows and Linux to make the platform extremely stable.
  • Performance-Oriented
    We used the LAMP model, which is an open-source web framework for developing and operating complex and high-performance websites and servers.

Product Screens

Client Testimonials

Patricia Walters
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They help us coordinate the right skill sets, teams, and activities in order to get the job done. They transferred our platform assets, such as our servers, workstations, and databases, into their managed cloud services environment.
Patricia Walters
Founder and CEO - Creative LLC
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224 Reviews

They handle all their work with a personal touch, which encourages a continued long-term partnership. Their deliverable are reliable thanks to vigorous QA testing. I would recommend Brainvire to anyone.

Mike Luhtanen
Founder, Creative LLC
4 years ago