What Are The Programming Languages the Full Stack Developers Should Know?

Planning to give an interview for a full stack developer job? Certainly, the knowledge of front-end and back-end would take your career and salary northwards.

Before you begin your career as a full-stack developer, there are some skillsets you must acquire. To know more, click here.

However, you can master these skill sets only when you have the knowledge of some programming languages. But, again it put beginners in confusion as to focus on what technologies and whatnot. To help such developers, here are the recommendations for technology and programming languages to learn at first.

1) HTML, CSS and JavaScript:

HTML and CSS are the fundamental languages for front-end browser that you should take the understanding of, right out of the gate. The plethora of free online resources and courses are available in the market that can help you gain experience in web development and learning other techniques.

Next, don't get confused JavaScript with Java as both of them are two different languages that are widely used across the globe. Neophyte developers should firstly learn algorithms and data structures, and then start coding in JavaScript.

2) MEAN:

MEAN is an open-source full-stack JavaScript framework to develop dynamic websites. MEAN stack supply a method to developers using MongoDB (Database), Express (Web framework), AngularJS (Front-end framework), and Node.js (Server platform).

As single technology- JavaScript is used, so MEAN stack can be used to write the web application code, the database code, the client code, and server-side code. The combination of JavaScript-based technologies of which MEAN stack is made of, are best for web development and also getting support from the leading tech companies like- Amazon, Google and pretty more.

3) Python:

Python is great for novice learners for back-end development as its syntax is easy. It thrusts upon good programming style and indentation, so programmers need to be vivid when they organize loops, conditions or implement logic. The easy to learn and code, make this language popular among beginners and in the education realm.

4) Swift IOS:

Yes, as the name suggests, it's Apple's own programming language for iOS developers to engineer breathtaking applications. Being a full-stack developer, having the knowledge to extend your application to the mobile interface is the icing on the cake.

Well, there is a huge difference in mobile and web app development, and mobile app development could possibly be more complex. But, object-oriented OS and Swift will enable developers to alternatively choose Java/Android or C#/.NET.

5) Ruby on Rails:

Ruby is a popular web programming language that works on the Rail framework. The unique combination enables rapid web development as it requires less coding and packed with many third-party libraries. This is the reason it has become the top choice for Twitter, Hulu, Basecamp, and others. This full-stack framework is another gem that you should add to your skill sets and strengthen your basic concepts.

What's next? Full-stack development!

Full stack development is getting pace in the development world. More and more developers want to become a full stack developer, and if you are also racing the same race, master these technologies. Get your feet wet in the aforementioned technologies and languages to join the race.

If you find some more technologies or languages, mastering which helps you stay ahead of the game, then do share them in the comments below.

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