Getting Healthy And Younger Looking Skin With The Right Product

Getting Healthy And Younger Looking Skin With The Right Product

Tech Stack

  • .NET
  • Microsoft SQL Server

About Client

The client is a seller of cosmetic creams, serum and moisturizer products that fight with anti-aging agents and keep the skin moisturized and hydrated 24/7.

About Product

We developed an ecommerce store for healthcare industry client that allowed the client to list and sell exclusive skin products to the global audience.

The Challenges

Free Trial

It is tricky to recognize products with mere descriptions. The client wanted to offer more to their customers.

Free Trial
Taking note of this, the team included a free trial feature on the platform. Customers can now use products for free trials and decide whether to make future purchases or not.


The Challenges

Free Trial
It is tricky to recognize products with mere descriptions. The client wanted to offer more to their customers.

Taking note of this, the team included a free trial feature on the platform. Customers can now use products for free trials and decide whether to make future purchases or not.

Free Trial


  • A centralized hub
    The client wanted to provide a single destination to their customers for all the branded cosmetic products
  • Regular discounts
    Timely and regular discounts were offered to customers. Our team also included premium membership provision on the platform.
  • Smooth management
    Brainvire’s developers ensured the smooth addition and management of multiple products on the platform.
  • Increased sales
    Improved product visibility, with timely discounts, and free trials helped the client to reap the benefits of increased sales.

Client Testimonials

Patricia Walters
quote icon
They help us coordinate the right skill sets, teams, and activities in order to get the job done. They transferred our platform assets, such as our servers, workstations, and databases, into their managed cloud services environment.
Patricia Walters
Founder and CEO - Creative LLC
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224 Reviews

They handle all their work with a personal touch, which encourages a continued long-term partnership. Their deliverable are reliable thanks to vigorous QA testing. I would recommend Brainvire to anyone.

Mike Luhtanen
Founder, Creative LLC
4 years ago