How Can You Avoid Your New Startup Failure Due To Poor iOS App Development?

  • iPhone Application Development

  • Published On June 27, 2023

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The application and prevalence of mobile technology have been growing at an unprecedented pace over the last decade. Android and iOS have been two of the most popular technologies fuelling the growth of mobile technology globally. The app stores across Android and iOS are filled with over 218 billion apps, indicating a higher supply than the actual demand.

Besides, a successful iOS app design and development is a complex and demanding task over Android in many ways. The iOS app development is crucial because most startups continue to experience failure in their venture due to poorly developed applications. 

Is It Possible To Avoid New Startup Failure?

There is plenty of instances where start-ups succumbed to failure simply due to poor iOS app development. The most common causes for these failures include poor user experience, ineffective planning and preparation, and ineffective iOS app build process and practices. 

Is It Possible To Avoid New Start-up Failure?

Besides that, ignoring user feedback is another important reason for startup failures due to poor iOS app development.

Fortunately, we have come up with multiple new and effective ways to tackle these challenges associated with iOS app development. 

So let’s dive further into details and better understand how to develop an iOS app and the challenges we can encounter during the iOS app development process. Continue reading as we determine ways to solve these issues for good in the following sections of our blog. 

How You Could Avoid New Startup Failure Due To Poor iOS Development

1. Understanding The iOS App Development Process

Understanding The iOS App Development Process

Before diving into the nuances of successful iOS app development, it is important to understand the entire process. Like almost every other mobile app development project, even iOS app development is divided into five stages. It is imperative to understand the details of these iOS app development stages and master them eventually. 

You first need to create a strategy for successful iOS app development. You must analyze the market, target audience, and competitors to develop a strategy that works in all respects. The following stage deals with the design of the iOS app, clarifying all necessities, working on the user experience (UX), and facilitating maintenance and testing to rectify any existing issues. 

Select The Ideal Programming Language

In the third stage comes development, where you must choose the best programming language for iOS app development. Multiple options are available, including Swift and Objective-C, among many others. Once you are done with the development, it is time to move on to the next and fourth stage, testing. 

This is where you test every aspect of the iOS app before deploying it in the market. After all, you must release the app and provide users with continuous support. Planning your iOS app development is one of the most important aspects of any successful iOS app development project. Businesses must make all necessary efforts to establish all goals of their mobile app, describe and identify target customers, and research their existing competition. 

This means you must clear if your iOS app needs to solve problems or provide your business offerings to customers. Once you have full clarity on these matters, creating the right app will become much easier without any development problems.

Enhance The UX (User Experience) Of Your Application

Enhance The UX (User Experience) Of Your Application

Once done with the planning aspect of your iOS app development, it is time to shift your focus to enhancing the app’s user experience. This is one of the most important aspects of any iOS mobile app development project since it helps attract new users, build a loyal customer base, drive more traffic, and even uncover new opportunities for driving growth. 

But importantly, an iOS app with a fantastic user interface gives you a significant competitive edge over competitors. So ensure you never leave any stone unturned on this front. Over the years, industry experts have faced multiple challenges with iOS app development. However, this also allowed them to learn from their mistakes and pass on valuable wisdom via tips. 

Some noteworthy tips for iOS app development start with creating a wireframe for the app. Besides, putting some thought into iOS gesture norms and adding extra views can go a long way. Lastly, always design an adaptable user interface to deliver a superior user experience. 

2. Key Factors For Successful iOS App Development

Key Factors For Successful iOS App Development

A successful iOS app development results from multiple factors working optimally and in tandem. Therefore, it is essential to understand these factors to enhance them to get the best results with your iOS app. 

Target Your App’s Compatibility, Optimization, And UX

The first factor you need to worry about is platform compatibility and optimization. This means you must ensure your app is compatible with multiple platforms and that all its aspects are thoroughly optimized to deliver the best user experience.  

This brings us to the second most important factor for iOS app development: the platform’s user interface. Your iOS app must have the ideal user interface that helps you deliver an optimal user experience. 

You must ensure that users can easily find everything on the app without hassle. This will ensure better success for your iOS app while helping you attract new users more easily. 

Evaluate Your Apps Overall Performance

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Once you have refined and enhanced your user interface, it is time to evaluate the overall performance of your iOS app. Of course, you might not always be able to strike the right chords at first, but rigorous testing can go a long way on this front. 

You must determine performance issues and take all necessary measures to address them effectively. Remember to identify all the existing bugs and ensure your iOS app delivers unmatched performance. Another important factor that influences the success of your iOS app is the security and privacy of the application. 

This is an important area of concern, considering security and privacy are among the two most important concerns for app users of the day. Therefore, you must ensure people feel safe using your iOS app. If you find any issues associated with the security and privacy norms of the iOS app, you should fix them as soon as possible.  

The final defining factor for your iOS app is the platform’s accessibility. This is unsurprising since no one can use the app without seamless access. But besides that, multiple other elements include access to the control center, notification center, onscreen motion pointer, and more. Once you have all these factors working thoroughly, your iOS app will likely become a huge success in the market. 

3. Common iOS App Development Mistakes And How to Avoid Them

Common iOS App Development Mistakes And How to Avoid Them

Now that you have an enhanced understanding of critical factors associated with developing iOS apps, it is time to check out some common mistakes people make with iOS app development. One such major mistake includes the lack of thorough planning and preparation, which is the foundation of any successful app. Planning every little aspect of app development to get the best results and complete the project on time is always fruitful.

Test The Effectiveness Of Your User Experience

Another common mistake is an ineffective user experience resulting from a poorly designed user interface. The user interface is how people communicate with the app, and any complications here can have a detrimental impact. 

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You must always make the user interface easily navigable with design elements that resonate with your target audience. This will play a key role in boosting the overall popularity of the app and further ensure its success amid increased competition.  

Keep The Programming On Point

The third of the most common mistakes in iOS app development is inefficient coding and development practices. Codes are the backbone of every application, and poor-quality codes can permanently impact the app’s overall performance. 

This can hamper the overall usability of your iOS app and even hamper the overall aesthetics of the app. This is important since no one will use an app without proper navigability and performance, making appropriate coding one of the most important aspects of a successful iOS app. 

Work Your Way Through The Feedback

Many professionals who develop iOS apps often make the blunder of ignoring valuable feedback from users. Data analytics is becoming an important tool for helping businesses better understand their audiences. 

Hence it only makes sense to leverage the available analytics and evaluate customer feedback. This will give you first-hand insight into how users interact with your iOS app and weed out areas that could benefit from further enhancements. 

Failing to ensure adequate security and privacy is another severe and hefty mistake that iOS app developers must consider. Data is the new gold of the 21st century, and everyone is more concerned about how and where their data is being used. 

Hence if a user comes across any security or privacy issue with your iOS app, it will not take them minutes to decide on uninstalling the app. So always ensure you test your app thoroughly and determine security issues without complications. 

4. Importance Of Testing And Quality Assurance In iOS App Development

Importance Of Testing And Quality Assurance In iOS App Development

While it’s true that the app marketplace is thriving exponentially, you can’t miss out on the competition that goes alongside! As mentioned earlier, the marketplace is flooded with applications. Therefore, it only makes sense to have an application that delivers the finest quality considering every aspect. This is where quality assurance becomes an essential factor in successful iOS app development. 

Take The Necessary Steps Towards Quality Assurance

The primary intent behind quality assurance is to ensure the app is free from any bigs, potential, or even mistakes. You must make all necessary efforts to identify all these issues right at the initial stages of your iOS app development. 

This will ensure the end product will work optimally without any complications whatsoever.  Furthermore, quality assurance also plays a key role in helping you identify any common bug occurrences at the earliest stage. These bugs can appear with popup messages, user data input, and also during the multi-device testing phase. 

Besides that, quality assurance with iOS app development also deals with dynamic testing that helps you identify multiple issues. These issues include complications with user experience, security features, and more. 

However, one of the most important needs for quality assurance appears because of issues related to the security and privacy of your app users. Complications with the security of your app make it very challenging to detect them. 

Thorough quality assurance practices can help you determine these issues with little complication. You can then deploy best security practices to ensure your app offers nothing short of the best security practices. 

Leverage Effective Quality Assurance

You can leverage many iOS app testing tactics to ensure adequate quality assurance. There are primarily two different types of testing, known as manual and automated testing. You can use devices or emulators to facilitate effective testing of your iOS app. You can use these tools for testing the overall system, user interface, field, and even security testing with manual testing with devices. 

On the other hand, you can use an emulator to facilitate unit testing, integration testing, and user interface testing. This is a highly effective way to test your iOS app and ensure better quality manually. 

You can always leverage automated iOS app testing if you do not favor manual testing. Professionals use pre-built frameworks such as Earl Grey, Appium, Calabash, and more to facilitate automated iOS app testing. You can use these frameworks for BVT, regression, performance, and compatibility testing. 

One of the best iOS app development tips for beginners is to play by the rules! Regardless of your testing tactic for your iOS app, always ensure you adhere to the best testing practices. This will make it much easier to ensure your iOS app matches all the highest industry standards at all points. Besides that, it will help you attract more users and realize your business goals with minimal effort.   

5. Importance Of App Store Optimization (ASO) For iOS App Success

App stores are virtual stores people visit when they need to download a new app on their preferred device. However, most app stores are packed with applications striving to get customers’ attention. This is where App Store Optimization (ASO) comes into the picture to enhance your iOS app’s visibility making it more appealing to users. Using this unique mechanism, you can boost your conversion rates significantly and even increase the number of downloads.  

Go For The App Store Optimization

Apart from ranking your app high on app stores, app store optimization also helps enhance overall click-through rates. You can use the best practices for app store optimization and convince users to click on your iOS app. In most cases, app store optimization for iOS app apps deals with the title, name, icon, ratings, and screenshots of your iOS app.   

Apple’s App Store currently harbors more than 2.1 million apps, and the number is increasing daily. Therefore, it is not surprising that competition is always at its peak in this market, making it imperative to stand out. But besides that, multiple other factors make app store optimization so very important for the success of your iOS app.    

With effective app store optimization, you can get better visibility with the potential to stand out in the crowd. Besides that, these practices also help ensure that all relevant and high-quality users are aware of your app. It has always been a challenge to increase organic app downloads sustainably. But fortunately, this becomes much easier with effective app store optimization practices.    

App store optimization has many other benefits, including reaching a wider audience and increasing the number of downloads. It also helps you significantly reduce the user acquisition cost and facilitate continual growth. Lastly, app store optimization helps drive better conversion rates while increasing app revenue.  

Aim To Make All The Key Elements Work In Sync

When working their way on how to build a successful iOS app, one of the most challenging aspects of app store optimization is having all its key elements work optimally. While this task is challenging, paying close attention to each element can make this job much easier for everyone. 

You must start with thorough keyword optimization of app descriptions. You must remember that app description are limited to 100 characters, making placing the right keyword at the place more important. 

Besides that, you must also focus your efforts on creating a compelling app name, description, and subtitle. These things are imperative in determining how people find and download your app. App Store allows your app’s name to remain within a 30-character limit, so choose something memorable, simple, and easy to spell.   

Categories are another important element of effective app store optimization in the Apple app store. These categories help people find the right app based on their needs and requirements. So always make sure to assign the right category to your iOS app. Lastly, always foster positive ratings to enhance your app store optimization performance with minimal effort. 


Thanks to the boom of iOS app development trends in 2023, creating your first app doesn’t have to be that challenging! Once you understand the common causes of failure, taking the right steps in the right direction becomes much easier. 

You must also understand iOS app development and leverage key factors that make a successful iOS app. Besides that, ensure thorough testing and quality assurance while paying close attention to the importance of app store optimization for the best results. 

Once you have mastered these areas, creating the ideal iOS app that takes your business to greater heights will automatically become much easier. You must also pay close attention to your app’s user interface to ensure it delivers a superior user experience. These little details can go a long way in making your iOS app a huge success. 

Continue reading: 10 Questions To Ask A Development Agency For Your Startup App


Why is iOS app development important for my start-up’s success?

The number of people using iOS devices is increasing daily in almost every country around the globe. Thus, having an iOS app helps ensure you can take your business to a larger audience and realize success for better growth.

What common mistakes lead to poor iOS app development?

Many different types of mistakes can lead to poor iOS app development. However, some of the most noteworthy mistakes include ineffective planning, poor user interface, ineffective coding, and lack of proper security and privacy.

How can I avoid poor iOS app development for my startup?

Understanding iOS app development is one of the most effective ways to avoid mistakes when creating an iOS app. Besides that, you must also focus your efforts on testing and quality assurance to avoid these mistakes.

What are the benefits of hiring experienced iOS app developers?

Hiring an experienced iOS app developer has multiple benefits, including better experience and understanding of the market. Besides that, an experienced iOS app developer can curate your iOS app based on the specific requirements of your business. This increases the chances of your app becoming a success in the long run.

Why is testing important in iOS app development?

Testing is crucial for facilitating successful iOS app development since it helps you deliver a superior user experience. Besides that, app testing also ensures your app is free from any bugs and mistakes before your app is finally available in the market. So ensure you always facilitate effective testing and quality assurance for your iOS app development.

Why is it important to gather user feedback in iOS app development?

Getting user feedback when developing an iOS app has always been important since it gives you a direct and unfiltered view of how users see your app. You can use these insights to make necessary corrections and enhancements, ensuring your users get nothing short of the best. This will also help increase the number of downloads for your app and help you reach more potential customers.

Why should I update my iOS app regularly?

Regularly updating your iOS app is essential since it gives you access to all the latest security updates. As a result, these updates play a significant role in patching any existing vulnerabilities and protecting your device. This is also why iOS users don’t need to install any additional antivirus software on their devices.

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    Maharshi Pancholi
    About Author
    Maharshi Pancholi

    Maharshi is an expert in business ideas and strategies. He has always been associated with IT across multiple domains: retail, automobile, education, healthcare, BSFI, and others. He has helped many startups grow their businesses by providing innovative business ideas that have worked wonders for them. To discuss more about your business ideas and strategies, feel free to contact Maharshi.

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