• About
  • UI/UX
  • Key Challenges
  • Our Solutions
  • Our Approach
  • Technology
  • Key Results

About Project

Admyssion Inc., headquartered in NYC, revolutionizes higher education networking. CEO Aditya Ram leads the charge in transforming applicant-professor interactions. The company enables direct connections, ensuring secure scheduling, payments, and seamless engagement. 

Admyssion reshapes educational connections, promoting mentorship and academic growth for an innovative higher education experience.

  • EdTech

  • USA


Business Goal 

The top-tier academic collaboration platform aims to connect applicants and professors with Robust Academic Networking Solution. For that, we prioritize a user-friendly experience with easy account setup, efficient scheduling, secure payments, and seamless Google Meet integration. Empowering academic growth and fostering collaboration through direct connections.

Project Highlights

  • Academic collaboration platform 
  • Google Meet integration 
  • Payment gateways 
  • Networking platform
  • UI/UX  

Enhanced UI/UX Experience

Admyssion's distinctive value proposition in higher education is evident through an enhanced platform interface, fostering synergy and promoting academic growth. Elevated collaboration with a superior user experience.
enhanced ui/ux experience for academic growth

Key Challenges

Restricted Connections

Restricted student-professor connections hinder mentorship and limit academic guidance access.

Insecure platform

The absence of a secure platform affects academic payment and transaction management.

Needed Centralized Platform

There was a pressing need for a centralized platform to manage overwhelming professor call schedules.

Hindered Credibility

Identifying valid professors amid the complexity of the higher education landscape causes uncertainty.

Our Solutions

Customized solutions for the higher EdTech platform cater to the needs of professors and students, fostering improved collaboration.
Robust Academic Networking Solution

Empowering Higher Ed with Robust Features for Enhanced Networking

Our solution provides various robust features to address the issue of restricted networking options in higher education. These functionalities encompass efficient meeting scheduling, secure online payment capabilities, smooth integration with Google Meet, and a user-friendly interface for accessing upcoming and past calls.

Robust Academic Networking Solution

Secure Payment Integration to Boost Confidence and Convenience

We integrated a secure online payment system into our platform to overcome this challenge. This improvement ensures that users can easily handle the financial aspects of their interactions with professors, ensuring both confidence and convenience throughout the process.

Robust Academic Networking Solution

User-Friendly Interface for Effective Interaction Management

We tackled the challenge by introducing a user-friendly centralized interface to manage engagement schedules effectively. This interface empowers users to access a comprehensive overview of their interactions easily. Integrating a calendar and scheduling system within the platform further simplifies organizing meetings and maintaining a seamless record of interactions.

Robust Academic Networking Solution

Connecting Users with Genuine Academic Experts

We ensured credibility by rigorously verifying professors. Only authorized educators with qualifications gain verification status, prominently displayed on profiles. Users connect with genuine academic experts confidently.

Our Approach

We employed these strategies to achieve the desired outcomes, enhancing the academic networking website for an improved user experience.


Set Up

Simplified account setup for users, ensuring a seamless entry to the platform.


Optimized scheduling processes for applicants and professors, enhancing convenience.

Secure Payment

Implemented robust payment systems to ensure secure financial transactions.


Integrated a platform for a smooth virtual collaboration experience fostering direct connections between applicants and professors.

Technology Stack







Communication Management



Key Results

  • Academic Enrichment

    Connected academia and students, promoting mentorship and meaningful interactions for academic growth.
  • Transaction Streamlining

    The secure payment feature simplifies trusted transactions, improving the platform's user experience.
  • Efficient Networking

    Enhanced organization, time management, and easy viewing boost networking efficiency for users.
  • Trustworthy Interactions

    Verified professors ensure reliable interactions with secure connections and provide accurate guidance.
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