How do you Choose the Ideal Odoo ERP implementation partner?

  • Odoo ERP

  • Published On December 13, 2021

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By now, the chances are that you have become aware of the existence of the Odoo ERP solution. And even if you haven’t heard about it yet, you must be having at least a vague idea of what is meant by an ERP solution for small businesses.

It’s time to sit back and consider how your business can benefit from implementing this particular type of software. If done right, implementation of an ERP solution is likely to have a profound impact on your business processes, leading to more efficient operations and better return on investment. In order to achieve this, though, you need the help of a reliable Odoo ERP solution implementation partner.

But what is it that makes one Odoo ERP solution implementation partner better than the other? How can you tell which one is reliable and trustworthy? And finally, how do you know which partner is truly capable of effectively helping your business implement a functional Odoo ERP solution?

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In this article, we will try to answer these questions. As a first step, we will briefly discuss what constitutes an ERP solution for small businesses. We will then discuss what you need to look for in an Odoo implementation partner before finally examining the various ways through which you can find an ideal partner that is capable of helping your business with the full-cycle implementation of an effective Odoo ERP solution.

What is an ERP Solution?

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. In the context of a small business, an ERP solution can be defined as a suite of integrated modules that collectively help automate various important aspects of the day-to-day operations of a small enterprise. Some of these modules include Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Control, etc., while others may include modules for CRM, Point of Sale, etc.

The idea is to integrate all the critical functions that a small business performs on a daily basis into one or more related modules within a single comprehensive suite of software applications. Implementing an ERP solution will therefore result in the automation of your various day-to-day business processes, leading to greater operational efficiency and higher productivity.

What to Look for in an Odoo Implementation Partner?

By now, it should be clear that implementing an effective ERP solution is not only about obtaining a packaged application. Instead, it will involve the installation of various modules within the suite which are tailored specifically towards your business requirements. 

It will also involve customization of these modules, integration with third-party applications, and, most importantly, training your employees to use the ERP solution.

The importance of training cannot be overstated. Your business may have put in place functional manual procedures which your employees are currently following. The chances are that at least some aspects of these manual processes will need to be automated within the ERP solution. Moreover, new and more efficient business processes will be implemented in order to utilize the benefits of the suit fully.

As such, you need to choose an Odoo implementation partner capable of providing comprehensive training services along with the actual installation and configuration of the suite. 

It’s worth mentioning here that most good implementation partners offer training in the actual software and help you identify and install third-party add-ons that can be integrated with the Odoo suite.

Following is a list of key factors which you should consider when choosing your Odoo partner:

Comprehensive understanding and experience in handling Odoo implementations:

While the free and open-source nature of this software makes it easy to use, installing, customizing, and getting optimal performance from an Odoo implementation requires detailed knowledge about the product. 

In order to ensure that your business benefits from the implementation of an effective Odoo suite, it is crucial to choose a partner who has a high degree of technical expertise.

Ability to provide professional services:

There are many organizations that can help in the installation and customization of this suite. However, in terms of getting maximum value from your investment in Odoo software, you need to choose a partner who can provide professional services. 

This will ensure that the business processes of your enterprise are optimized to the maximum extent, and it becomes a smoothly running revenue-generating machine.

Capacity for future expansion:

In order to realize full value from an Odoo implementation, it is important that your partner has the capacity for future expansion. If you choose a partner who cannot handle the load of increased business activity in your enterprise, it can lead to suboptimal use of an Odoo implementation. 

This will not only impact revenue generation but also make your investment on this software redundant. To ensure that this does not happen, look for a partner who is open to technical enhancement of the suite in order to handle the increased business activity.

Availability of certified professionals with relevant experience:

While it is possible to expand an Odoo implementation by hiring personnel with no prior acquaintance with this software, you may face problems while trying to implement a customized solution for your enterprise’s requirements. 

If you want to be sure that customization and modification of existing features are handled flawlessly, it is important to choose a partner who has certified professionals with relevant experience. This can help you easily derive maximum value for your investment on Odoo software.

Compatibility with existing enterprise infrastructure:

Before choosing an Odoo implementation partner, it is essential to understand if their services will be compatible with your existing business infrastructure. If the compatibility of their services is not assured, you may face significant problems while using this software. 

To avoid such issues and derive maximum value from your Odoo customization efforts, choose a partner with expertise in offering services compatible with existing business processes and technologies.

Availability of required licenses:

As Odoo is an open-source product, it is possible to get free access to its software. However, to avail the full benefits of your Odoo customization efforts, you need to choose a partner with licenses for providing professional services. This is because only then can they offer customized solutions that are compatible with existing business processes and technologies.

Availability of required support infrastructure:

Even though Odoo is a free and open-source software, getting optimal value requires assistance from a professional partner. In order to ensure that your business runs smoothly after an Odoo implementation, look for a partner who has the required support infrastructure. If they have this, it can help you access required assistance even at odd hours of the day or night, which can be beneficial for your business.

Ability to provide training:

While you can get support from the community of users after an Odoo implementation, it is important to understand its limitations. This is because the capabilities of community members vary significantly, and some may not be able to provide assistance related to customized solutions or advanced features. 

In order to gain access to a large pool of competent professionals who can assist in both basic and advanced usage scenarios, you need to choose a partner that has the ability to offer training. This will allow you to easily derive maximum value from your Odoo implementation.

Availability of experienced project managers:

A technical support team is not sufficient for getting optimal value from an Odoo implementation. In order to be able to derive this value, it is important to choose a partner that has experience in project management. This allows them to help you through each stage of the process and ensure that your investment in this software delivers optimal results.

Availability of development specialists:

If you want to get customized solutions for your business requirements, you should choose a partner that has development specialists on their staff. This allows them to provide software updates even as they help you derive maximum value from your Odoo implementation.

Availability of experts with relevant industry experience:

An Odoo implementation can deliver numerous benefits if carried out by professionals who have experience in the relevant industry. This is because they are better equipped to understand the requirements of their customers and derive optimal results from an Odoo implementation. To enjoy these benefits, you need to choose a partner that has consultants with industry experience on their staff.

Availability of domain specialists:

The ability to offer customized business solutions is one of the biggest strengths of an Odoo implementation. To help you derive maximum value from this process, it is important to choose a partner that has domain specialists on their staff. These are professionals who have extensive experience in various industry verticals and can help you derive the best results from your Odoo implementation.

Availability of support personnel with relevant work experience: 

Even though you might hire dedicated resources for your Odoo implementation process, they will not be able to deliver optimum value unless they have relevant work experience. This is because it allows them to understand the challenges and issues associated with this software and provide solutions that help you derive maximum value from your Odoo implementation. Choosing a partner that has such resources on their staff is therefore important.

Availability of project guides:

Since Odoo implementation represents an important investment for any business, it is important to make sure that you are following the right path. This requires constant guidance, which can be achieved by choosing a partner that has experience in project management and offers project guides on their staff.

Availability of customer success managers:

If your primary objective is to derive the maximum possible value from your Odoo implementation, it is important to choose a partner that has customer success managers on their staff. These are professionals who can guide you through the process and make sure that you are able to derive optimum value from this investment.

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Availability of certified engineers:

Certified engineers represent one of the most valuable resources for any software implementation as they can handle any issues that might arise. This is why choosing a partner that has certified engineers on their staff is important.

Availability of project managers:

Even though dedicated resources might carry out your Odoo implementation, it is important to choose a partner that has project managers on their staff. This allows them to track the progress of each project and report to you on a regular basis. This helps both parties to keep abreast of the latest developments related to their projects and makes it easier for them to derive maximum benefit from an Odoo implementation.

Availability of professional customer support:

The ability to resolve any issues that might arise in a timely manner can have a significant impact on the success of your Odoo implementation. This is why it is important to choose a partner that has professional customer support on their staff.

Availability of specific templates:

This is another important factor that needs to be considered when choosing an Odoo integration partner. It allows them to provide solutions tailored to industry-specific requirements. Choosing a partner with various industry templates on their staff is therefore important.

Availability of website development services:

This includes both design and functionalities related to the client front-end portal, which your employees can use for accessing information related to specific projects or tasks assigned to them. The availability of such services with your Odoo integration partner can help your employees to derive increased efficiency from this software.

Therefore, choosing an Odoo integration partner that has all of these resources on their staff is important as it allows them to offer fully customized solutions for your business requirements.

It also helps them provide optimum value through both design and development services required to maximize the efficiency of your business processes.

The choice of an Odoo ERP partner therefore, is pretty straight-forward. You need to choose someone who not only understands the Odoo environment in detail but also has considerable professional services capabilities in terms of installation, configuration, and customization.

What Kind of Business is Suited for ERP Solution Implementation?

However, what is important is that all functions within your business need to be well defined and laid out in an organized manner. If your business processes are sporadic and spread across several different applications, then it might be a better idea to invest in an integrated suite of software applications that can automate these processes rather than implementing a piece-meal approach by trying to integrate several stand-alone solutions.

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However, what is important is that all functions within your business need to be well defined and laid out in an organized manner. If your business processes are sporadic and spread across several different applications, then it might be a better idea to invest in an integrated suite of software applications that can automate these processes rather than implementing a piece-meal approach by trying to integrate several stand-alone solutions.

How to Choose an Odoo Implementation Partner?

Given the evolving nature of the Odoo ERP solution, it is essential that you choose a partner who not only has a comprehensive understanding of the entire suite but is also capable of offering high-quality support services. 

You should keep in mind that while Odoo is free and open-source software, you will need installation, configuration, and customization assistance to ensure that your business derives maximum value from it.

As such, while choosing an Odoo partner, verification of their technical qualifications and experience in handling Odoo implementations is crucial. It’s also worth mentioning here that most good partners are back.

By choosing the perfect partner for your business enterprise, you can make sure that your business processes are automated and optimized to the maximum extent. This will not only result in improved revenue generation but also ensure that you derive maximum benefit from your investment on Odoo software.

To choose an optimal partner for your Odoo implementation, it is essential to understand what factors affect the success of a partnership with this kind of open-source business suite.

Key Takeaways: The above article discussed various aspects of choosing an Odoo implementation partner.

In order to reap the maximum benefits from this software, it is necessary to choose an Odoo partner who has a high degree of technical expertise along with the capability to provide professional services, including installation of the suite.

These are some of the factors which you should keep in mind while choosing an Odoo partner. And if you are looking for Odoo ERP Development Services we got you covered. Choosing an optimal partner will ensure that your business benefits from automation and optimization of key processes which can help you realize maximum ROI from this software.

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    Chirag Jogi
    About Author
    Chirag Jogi

    Chirag has worked with companies of all sizes, helping them use Odoo ERP to its fullest potential. With his expertise in Odoo ERP and years of experience working as a consultant, there isn't anything that he cannot do for your company. He can help you take full advantage of this powerful tool so you can boost your business growth. To catch up on Odoo ERP and its impact on your business, connect with Chirag today.

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